JMIEEE Admit Card 2017
JMIEEE Admit Card 2017 is an important document which is available only for those students who book their slots on time. The admit card is released two weeks prior to the date of the examination. A candidate who does not have the admit card will not be permitted to sit for the examination. The admit card will be issued to the candidates who have completed their application process on time with all the necessary requirements on the last day when the application gets over.
All the information regarding the candidates is mentioned on the admit card. All the information mentioned on the admit card should be cross-checked and in case of any discrepancy, the concerned authorities must be contacted.
The candidates should first visit the official website of the university that is,
The candidates must then look for the link of the various post-graduate and under-graduate entrance examinations conducted by the university.
After the link of entrance examinations is selected, the candidates must look for the link of the admit card after it gets uploaded.
Candidates must log in their roll number and date of birth in the space provided to login.
After entering all the details, the candidates must click on the submit button to submit the details.
After the details are submitted, the candidates will be able to download the admit card.
The applicants should bring the printout of their admit cards to the examination hall.
Applicants will not be allowed to appear for the examination in the absence of the admit card.
The admit cards could be sent via post. The candidates will be notified beforehand.
The admit card serves as a proof of identity.
Details of the candidate such as name of candidate, roll number, course applied for, date and time of examination and the venue of examination are all mentioned on the admit card.
In case the candidate is unable to download the admit card due to any issues, the concerned authorities in the university must be contacted 2 days prior to the examination.
The admit card is not transferable and doing so is a punishable offence.
After taking a printout of the admit card, the candidates must paste a self-attested photograph of theirs on the admit card.
The admit cards should be handled with care. The admit cards should not be tampered at all.
If admit cards are found to be under poor condition, the students will not be allowed to give the exam and will be disqualified.
Name of candidate
Address of candidate
Date and time of examination
Venue of examination
Contact details of candidate
Course applied for
Photograph and signature of the candidate
Some other details regarding the examination will be printed on the back of the admit card.