JEE Advanced 2018 Eligibility Criteria, Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Posted by Rajesh Sharma
Dec 4, 2017

The eligibility criteria of JEE Advanced 2018 incorporate eligibility conditions identified with age, number of endeavors, stamps in qualifying examination, number of subjects in qualifying test, and so forth. Before filling the application, all candidates should painstakingly check JEE Advanced 2018 eligibility criteria to get finish clearness in the event that they are qualified for the test. All Indian, and outside candidates, are qualified to apply for the selection test, be that as it may, they meet the JEE Advanced eligibility criteria 2018.

Latest News: JEE Advanced Application Form Process will be 2nd May 2018/

General Eligibility Criteria for JEE Advanced 2018

Age Limit: General Category candidates more likely than not been conceived on or after October 1, 1993, while candidates having a place with ST/SC/PwD classes will get 5 years unwinding.

Number of Attempts: Candidates can sit for JEE Advanced a most extreme of two times in continuous years.

Qualifying Examination: Aspiring candidates are required to have passed their twelfth exam in either 2017 or 2018.

Earlier Admission at IITs/ISM: Candidates who have been before admitted to IITs/ISM won't be qualified to apply for JEE Advanced 2018.

  • Candidates are required to have qualified JEE Main and meet the required cutoff positions set by the concerned specialists.

Candidates can check the patterns of a year ago about best candidates of JEE Advanced according to various classes beneath.

JEE Advanced Exam Pattern 2018

IIT Kanpur may think of a few changes in the exam pattern of JEE Advanced 2018 as the exam has gone totally online from the year 2018. Nonetheless, the points of interest will be partaken at the appointed time of time. Candidates are encouraged to experience the test pattern of JEE Advanced in advance to take a few to get back some composure of how the paper and the kind of inquiries. Nonetheless, the test pattern of JEE Advanced isn't settled or discharged, it continues changing each year. Be that as it may, candidates can get a general thought regarding taking a gander at the test pattern of JEE Advanced of earlier years. On the off chance that an applicant has checked well JEE Advanced exam pattern 2018, at that point he/she will have the capacity to design the execute an arrangement for planning in like manner. JEE Advanced 2018 paper pattern incorporates viewpoints identified with test like checking plan, add up to number of inquiries, sort and nature of inquiries, method of exam, and so on.

According to the exam pattern of earlier year,

  • JEE Advanced comprises of 2 papers (Paper I and Paper II) and both are required to endeavor. Both the papers will be directed for 3 hours each.

  • The examination will be held in English and Hindi dialect.

  • Both Paper I and Paper II will have inquiries from 3 segments – Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

  • JEE Advanced 2018 is relied upon to have full checking, fractional stamping, zero checking and negative stamping.

JEE Advanced Syllabus 2018

The syllabus of JEE Advanced 2018 incorporates subjects and parts from Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from where inquiries will come in the paper. While getting ready for the exam, the yearning candidates must check JEE Advanced 2018 syllabus with a specific end goal to know which all subjects are imperative from the exam/planning perspective. Candidates get clearness through the syllabus of JEE Advanced 2018 regarding what to examine and what to maintain a strategic distance from. For more insights about the particular subjects from JEE Advanced syllabus 2018, check the table beneath.

JEE Advanced 2018 Syllabus






  • Mechanics

  • General

  • Electricity and Magnetism

  • Thermal Physics

  • Optics

  • Modern Physics



  • Organic Chemistry

  • Inorganic Chemistry

  • Physical Chemistry



  • Algebra

  • Integral Calculus

  • Analytical Geometry

  • Trigonometry

  • Differential Calculus

  • Vectors

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