It’s for the handlers—Fragile Printed Tape!

Do we ever really pay notice to the notice? Frankly speaking, some of us have enough problems adhering to stop signs when operating huge and dangerous machinery known as cars. Well within the industrialized world, companies have resorted to various mechanisms to enhance their shipping procedures. These procedures are put in place so that shippers are responsible and held accountable to how they handle packages. If you know like I know, 3rd party shipping companies usually time their workers and provide incentives or penalties regarding how they handle shipments. Therefore the package is the one who takes the brunt of the abuse as laborers try to reach time incentives and gain added $$$ on their paycheck. Such actions lead to high levels of tossing, rolling and stacking of package upon package in an attempt to get the job done expediently. With that said, industrial packaging supply companies such as PackagingSuppliesByMail.Com have offered notifying packing tape known as Fragile Printed Tape to make workers aware of how they should gently handle a package.
It cares for us all
One of the benefits of using the Fragile Printed Tape by PackagingSuppliesByMail.Com is that it offers a double message. The words “Fragile” and “Handle with Care” are expressly on these tapes so that shippers are solicited to understand the nature of the package they are handling. This helps them to be more careful in how they brace the package and in many regards this helps their job to flow easier. See, the message not only shows concern for the inner contents, it also protects the worker and shipper from damage and liability.
It notifies better on tape
Some companies attempt to save dollars but end up costing themselves more damage in the long run because of attempting to relay the same message in a cheaper or more expensive fashion. Pre-printed boxes with the fragile/handle with care notice cost the purchaser more $$$ and since corrugated boxes are already expensive and digs into profits, Fragile Printed Tape offers you more bang for your buck. Now some companies have tried to resort to using their own self-made stickers or have purchased stickers with this warning notification on them. The problem with that is that they’re adhesive levels is not prepped to endure and so they generally fall off, therefore causing damage to the package.
PackagingSuppliesByMail.Com is a premier distributor of quality Fragile Printed Tape. Customers are able to buy this tape by the bulk and be well equipped for a substantial amount of time so that their packaging procedures are A1. Be sure to view their site for various discount specials and awards and experience guaranteed satisfaction and swift order delivery.