Is It Wise to Choose a Company in Pakistan for SEO?

While this might the question that is lingering in your mind for a pretty long time. The answer is affirmative, only if you are willing to stretch a bit like including activities like working with the firm remotely, sacrifice your sleep for few hours in order to communicate with the Pakistan company for SEO in answering their queries etc. Below is the list of instructions if followed can lead you to the best SEO Company in Pakistan.
1. Experience: It is very important for you to understand how well they have contributed their skills in upgrading a site's rank as well as their company's site in the SERP. If they are able to deliver this to others and themselves, they pretty much can deliver it to you as well. So, first check with them if they can share their past experiences with you.
2. Find their plan or strategy: While many SEO companies in Pakistan promise to boost your site's rank high in the SERP, the billion dollar question is how they are going to achieve that. Hence, it is wise to talk in length with them of how they function and what are their core strategies that they follow in fulfilling their promises. This will give you a gist of what this firm can do.
3. Be careful of the liars out there: yes, you heard right! There are many SEO companies in Pakistan that are waiting to trap a customer. You can identify them with their advertising tactic, wherein they usually guarantee number 1 rank in SERP or might even hint that all of their clients' sites are ranking on the top. Do not get deceived by these kinds of tactics. However, just check with them to understand how they are planning to achieve this task and you will understand if they are really speaking the truth.
4. Clients' List: If they're the best SEO Company in Pakistan, they will not hesitate in sharing their clients' list to you when you ask them. Speak with their clients especially those clients with whom the SEO Company is still engaged and get their feedback. Also, this will allow you to see their work real time.
5. Cost: Do not get tempted by the offers made by some of the SEO Companies in Pakistan. They know you will be attracted by the low offers. While costing is important, more important than that is quality. Do not compromise quality for the sake of the cost.