Investment Leveraging Explained....Whatablessing Reports
Investment Leveraging…Whatablessing Reports
What is investment leverage?
Investment leverage is similar to the examples above. Leverage with us is simply Paying it Forward $5 into someone’s future to purchase investments, with the goal of achieving greater wealth. See:
Now, it’s probably easy for you to see how a mortgage can help you achieve the goal of home ownership. However, it may be less clear how “Paying it Forward” as an investment can help you achieve the goal of greater wealth.
Click Here to See: How does investment leverage work?
With traditional investing, you set aside a portion of your income each month to purchase investments and your investments gradually grow over a long period of time. With leveraged investing, you “Pay it Forward” for someone to Invest into their future. But while your “out of pocket” costs may be the same under both strategies, leveraged investing has the potential to generate far greater returns. Here’s why:
OneX is simply the most powerful and effective way for everyday people like us to enjoy a huge business income without the huge start up costs. Where OneX business owners can leverage income from the efforts of other individuals who want big money too, and there are millions of people who are looking for OneX right now. OneX is about providing an affordable way for everyday people to experience high income with a very low out of pocket cost. This very attractive feature is one reason for it’s mass appeal and ongoing massive success. Also you can earn additional multiple $99,000 incomes on personally introduced account holders. And all this can be achieved by spending just $5 ONE TIME on a business building lesson and automatically opening a Silver Savings Account with us and OneX™.
OneX – the simple facts
“OneX” stands for “one time”. A name summing up the single $5 one-time cost of starting this business. Staggering I know, but that is the fact of it. As we start to explain what is OneX, you will realize that a one time out of pocket $5 is all it takes to go from $5 to above and beyond $100,000 in income. I CANNOT EMPHASIZE enough the POWER of having a business, where you pay once and IRRESPECTIVE of what happens, there is no regular fee to cancel. This really does ensure success and bring things down to only how fast you make your success arrive.OneX is about taking a low priced product like business building lessons and turning them into a millionaire making profit center and at the same time generating the funding for Qlxchange and it’s huge monthly income. Any NEW customer, is a customer for LIFE with OneX™!
What Is the Purpose of OneX?
When we ask the question what is OneX for, we know it has been created to achieve a purpose and that purpose is a “fast start” into Qlxchange, the most dynamic monthly paying residual income home business available today. Given that OneX is the “fast start” to Qlxchange, a business created by bankers, for investors. In this post, let us stick with explaining what OneX is and not confuse you with both sides at once. We’ll provide a link at the end of this OneX explanation to what Qlxchange is. What is OneX for, well quite simply it’s an easier way than a regular job for everyday people to go from a standing start into generating a substantial amount of money quickly. Even though we describe OneX as a start, it is in fact a stand alone multi millionaire maker in it’s own right.
How Does OneX Work?
The how does OneX work question can be answered by looking at it’s 2 moving parts side by side. Firstly OneX works as any business by supplying products, quality Business Lessons as I touched on before. These are purchased by new and existing account holders alike.Secondly, how Onex works is by building an organization of members who like us wish to own a high income business. By purchasing our first $5 lesson, we automatically become part of our invitors organization and establish our own OneX organization. When you or someone above you in the organisation invites a new purchaser or account holder, you then have a new customer that will pay you and can help you build your business income as they build their own, leveraging the power of many people to bring bigger and faster income to your OneX business account.
What Are OneX Products?
There are 8 business building lessons to purchase as the OneX products, one lesson at a time using a fraction of our income earned to buy each as we earn more money to do so.The first at $5 which also activates your new OneX Silver Savings Account and qualifies you at tier 1 income level. As we purchase these OneX products one by one, our account upgrades through 8 tiers of qualification, 1 to 4 in Stage 1 and then again 1 to 4 in Stage 2. Qualifying you to earn between $20 and $80,000 as you upgrade.
OneX Bonuses Are Explosive
Earning $99,460 is fabulous in anyones language, but OneX has it’s own bonuses and boy are they income exploders.When we personally introduce a new account holder or $5 lesson purchaser through our own business page, everytime that individual gets paid, we get paid an exact match of money as a bonus.We each expect to earn $99,000 using OneX, but if we are paid an ADDITIONAL $99,000 for EACH memeber we introduce, what happens if we introduce 10 people?The answer is simple..10 x $99,000 in bonuses, plus our own earned $99,000 = a fabulous Million dollar income.Would you like to be a OneX Millionaire? Would you like to simply earn twice what you are today?OneX is the answer to any income level, so don’t wait to be asked, get in the game and start making money today.
See a Video Presentation here::
Bryce Jackson, Business Mentor, Success Coach Skype: whatablessing 619-272-9225