Important Mowing Tips For Buffalo Grass Sydney

Posted by Noah White01
Mar 19, 2018
No matter if you have buffalo grass or couch grass installed in your lawn, without proper maintenance, you won’t be able to enjoy the same beauty, as it was on day 1 after installation. With timely maintenance, proper care and regular look after; they simply bloom and stay healthy to give you the maximum outcome of your investment. Mowing is a very regular step taken in terms of maintenance and the importance this step has, is not experienced by any other maintenance related step. Therefore, in this post, we have covered several important facts related to mowing that will change your mowing habits forever.

Buffalo Turf Sydney

Correct mowing technique
  • According to the experts, even if you have the most advanced mower, in the absence of proper mowing techniques, it would be nothing more than just a simple machine.
  • Therefore, it is said that that proper mowing techniques should be learnt because once you know them; you’ll be able to mow perfectly even with the simplest mower.
  • By mowing correctly you’ll groom turf that’s healthy, drought-tolerant, thick enough to crowd out weeds and attractive to the eye.
  • Moreover, the survival chances of almost all the grasses like buffalo turf will prolong drastically.
  • With proper techniques, common mistakes like mowing too infrequently and cutting grass too short will be avoided totally, thereby enhancing the health and aura of buffalo turf.

Avoid scalping your lawn
  • One very common step to avoid is scalping that is really life threatening for any turf.
  • In case you are unaware, scalping is letting grass grow tall and then removing more than 1/2 the leaf blade and this could be extremely damaging for your turf.
  • Suppliers of couch grass Sydney say that mowing grass extremely low can damage the lawn by cutting into the crown of the plants.
  • Moreover, scalped lawn becomes really fragile and thus, vulnerable to diseases, pest infestation and weed attack.
  • One of the top contributors to weed infestation is exposed soil that allows weed seed to take root and the shoots to get plenty of sunlight.
  • Even the most weed-resistant lawn varieties like Sir Walter buffalo turf needs to have a little length to keep weeds out.

Sharpen your mower blades
  • Before you could start, check the sharpness of the blade to avoid irregular mowing.
  • Moreover, it has been observed that a dull blade tears the grass to create a jagged, uneven edge and these tears create openings for pests and diseases to enter grass blades.
  • Other than this, grass mowed with a dull blade has more chances of getting discoloured as compare to grass mowed with a razor sharp blade.
  • Because of blade’s dullness, irregular mowing is experienced and as a result, grass tip and blade starts losing moisture really quickly.
  • Therefore, while purchasing a mower, don’t mind purchasing an extra blade, so you always have a sharp blade ready to use.

Other important tips related to using a mower are –
  • Select the proper mowing height for your lawn
  • Always mow your lawn at the recommended cutting height
  • Avoid cutting wet or wilted grass
  • Always vary your mowing pattern
  • Be gentle with damaged grass

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