Identifying the need = More closings

Posted by Joan Harrington
Dec 18, 2011

I wanted to share a post from my good friend, Catherine Alexandra, who I have found so much inspiration, and today, I wanted to share her inspiration with my readers….THANK YOU CATHERINE ALEXANDRA!!! You ROCK, my friend!



Of the many networking skills you’ll want in your arsenal, showing people why they should join your organization is among the most critical – identifying the need is an often missed step.

There is no set formula to do this, however, because each person is different and will want different things—wealth, prestige, family life, wellness, time freedom, and so on.

Identifying the need in your prospects is a critical step you do not want to forget!

One approach people try is hard-selling, which we can safely say is hated by just about everyone.

Hard selling involves pushing the actual product onto the prospect, using the sheer energy of your presentation to override any concerns or objections they may have.

This is why many people pretend to not be at home when the salesman comes a-knockin’ on the door.

Identifying the need is ever important if you want to get your recruiting rates up!

Nobody likes to *FEEL* like they are being sold!!

A prospect may buy your product or service to get you out of their hair, but you’ll lose a lot of goodwill and probably the chance to re-sell too.

It’s even more disastrous for building a network because your organization won’t have a concrete relationship to stand on.

You’ll have a cascade of fall-outs as soon as you turn your back on your new recruits.

Identifying the need allows you to use an effective approach that not only stands a better chance of closing a prospect, but also fosters goodwill and a sense of cooperation.

When you have taken the time to probe your prospect, identifying the need they have which led them to look into network marketing, you are able to present your business as the best answer to your client’s need.


Identifying the need and presenting a solution to the need = the opposite of hard-selling.

You do less talking and more listening when you are identifying the need of your prospect.

You need to have some patience, a few good questions, and a sympathetic ear.

Your goal is identifying your prospect’s specific need before positioning your business as a solution.

Properly identifying the need is kind of like learning to connect the dots…

Imagine sitting down with a prospect for the first time.

Do you go straightaway into a presentation? Hardly!

You’ll want to get to know them first.

You try and chat for a while to build rapport.

This is an excellent time to ask a few probing questions.

Probing is a subtle art.

You need to come from genuine  interest, without coming across as nosy.

The key  is to get the other person talking about themselves.

This is usually easy to do, since we’re our own favorite subject.

As you listen, you are in prime position to be identifying the need that your prospect has which may be the problems your business solves for them.

Your objective is to steer the conversation towards topics that are important to them.

Ask them to elaborate, clarify, share stories.

Doing so will eventually lead them to talk about what’s missing from their lives.


This checklist may lead towards more meaningful conversation:

1.) Identifying the need: Family

  • How is your wife doing?

  • How are your children?

  • How are your parents?


2.) Identifying the need: Career

  • You must be doing very well in your job now, right?

  • Does your boss treat you well?

  • Do you have time for yourself or your family?

  • Are you happy with where you are?


3.) Identifying the need: Acquisitions/Achievements

  • So what’s next for you?

  • Are you aiming to buy a new home/car/business?

  • So are you thinking about retirement? How’s it going so far?


You may also want to work at identifying the need as it pertains to: health, children’s education, or any present or future expenses.

Find out where the problems may exist.

Common needs may include: financing a home, job status or pay dissatisfaction, family burdens such as caring for an elderly parent or an unemployed sibling, or even concerns over an uncertain financial future.

3 Steps for “Identifying the need”:

  1. Take the time to sincerely listen, to empathize with your prospect.

  2. Let them talk. (Resist the temptation to jump in with advice. It’s important that you understand what they want and that you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say.)

  3. Thank them for sharing and then lead into your presentation. (Only do this after they’ve finished talking.)


Here’s a good lead into Step 3: “I understand you have these concerns and I’d like to see if I can help. I know a way that can benefit you financially/career-wise/health-wise, and you can do it at your own time and your own pace. Would you like to hear it?”

When they say yes, proceed to the presentation, making sure to point out how it will indeed help with their concerns.

Come from the spirit of wanting to help.

Show them that an extra means of leveraged income could solve the majority of their problems.

Let them know you can  mentor them on how to do it.

By identifying the specific need, you have the basis for a business relationship.

Your prospect won’t feel that you “sold them” something; they’ll feel as if you helped them make a wise decision.

It will be easier to close the deal.

In fact, you won’t have to convince them—they’ll convince themselves!

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Comments (2)
Joan Harrington

Network Marketer/Coach/Full-time Blogger

You are welcome, Kevin:)

Dec 22, 2011 Like it
Kevin Bru

It's All Up to YOU! Act NOW!

This is an excellent article on the art, yes the art, of selling. We all hate salesman, so don't be one, be a solution provider. These techniques/ideas will work in all industries. Thank you Joan, and Catherine.

Dec 21, 2011 Like it
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