Hydrocele - Causes, Types, and Treatment

Posted by Dr Vikram Chauhan
Mar 6, 2021


Hydrocele is a condition in which there is an accumulation of serous fluid in the body cavity. Hydrocele testis is a condition in which there is accumulation of fluids around the empty space of testicles. It is generally caused by the peritoneum wrapped around the testis. This peritoneum here is called tunica vaginalis. The hydrocele in primary form may develop in adulthood also, particularly in the people who are living in hot countries. The secondary hydrocele can develop as the result of some testicular condition like infection, tumor or sometimes infection also. In this article we will discuss the causes, types, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of hydrocele.


In the word hydrocele, hydro means water and cele means swelling. Hydrocele is understood as the condition in which a swelling is formed due to the accumulation of fluid around the testis. The swelling is usually painless and is present in the outermost covering of the testes. Urology explains that fluid space in the spermatic cord, due to the failure in closure of the tract through which the testis descends into the scrotum. The peritoneal fluid thus drains through this open tract and gets trapped in the scrotum. This condition can also be the result of a blow to the scrotum.



Hydrocele can be produced by four ways

  1. It can be produced due to the excessive production of fluid in the scrotal sac.
  2. The scrotal fluid already contains some fluid for the nourishment of the testicular covering membrane. But if there is defective absorption of serous fluid then hydrocele occurs.
  3. Any condition like elephantiasis that interferes with the lymphatic drainage of social structures.
  4. It can also be associated with the connection to a hernia in the abdominal cavity.


Symptoms usually include heaviness in the groin region, scrotum enlargement, discomfort due to the large size of scrotum and pain as the size of the scrotum increases.

Types of hydrocele

Following are the types of Hydrocele

1. Primary hydrocele

The scrotal swelling in this case is soft and non tender and also appears large on examination. Testis are generally never felt during palpation or physical examination. Transillumination demonstrates the presence of fluid in the scrotum. They grow to a very large size if ignored for a long time. The Big size of the scrotum causes discomfort and also causes testicular atrophy. It is capable of obstructing the blood supply to the scrotum. 

2. Secondary hydrocele

This type usually develops due to the associated testicular disease or condition like cancer, trauma or testicular inflammation. It is mostly associated with acute or chronic epididymo- orchitis. It is also associated with testicular torsion. It is lax and moderate in size with palpable underlying testis.  

3. Infantile hydrocele

In infantile hydroceles the tunica vaginalis and the processus vaginalis are distended to the inguinal ring but usually have no relation to the abdominal cavity.    

4. Congenital hydrocele

This type develops due to the communication between the processus vaginalis and the peritoneal cavity. The communication is the result of failure of processus vaginalis to close. 

5. Encysted hydrocele

It is understood as the smooth, oval shaped swelling near the spermatic cord which is usually understood as inguinal hernia. The swelling moves downward and makes the testis move gently downward. They become immobile once moved down.


When it appears in the first year of life it generally resolves on its own but if it persists even after the first year or occurs later in life then it requires treatment. If the case is chronic then it is recommended to go for surgery in which hydrocele sac is excised. One can also opt for aspiration, but this procedure is not that much effective because with increasing months the fluid usually gets accumulated again. 

In ayurveda hydrocele is understood as andavridhi (swelling in sac). The cause for this accumulation of fluid is vitiation of vata and rakta dhatu. The vitiation of these two can also be the result of trauma or injury to the scrotum. Ayurveda recommends shodhana treatment in this case. The procedure includes basti (medicated enema) and virechana (purgation) which help by reducing the fluid amount in the body thus preventing the accumulation of fluid

For the management of the hydrocele Planet Ayurveda offers its medications that give very impressive results in this condition. The medications do not cause any side effects and are totally herbal.

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The products offered are as following

  1. Tribulus power
  2. Kanchnaar guggul
  3. Punarnava capsules
  4. Water-ex tablets

Products Description

1. Tribulus power

Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris) works as a natural diuretic and eliminates toxins. It helps in generating energy and improves blood circulation in the scrotum and helps in the absorption of fluid present in the hydrocele sac and thus prevents testicular atrophy. 

Dosage- 2 capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

2. Kanchnaar guggul

This is a classical herbal formulation which can play a very important role in managing the swelling in the testis. Kanchnaar guggul has

  • kanchnaar bark (Bauhinia variegata)
  • amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica)
  • haritaki (Terminalia chebula) and many more.

Kanchnaar bark extract has cytotoxic properties. It has anti-tumor effects and thus reduces the swelling.

Dose: Two tablets twice a day after meals.

2. Punarnava capsules

Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) is the only constituent of these capsules. These capsules help in removing excessive water content from the body and also help in the absorption of serous fluid present in the hydrocele sac.

Dose: One capsule twice a day after meals. 

3. Water-ex tablets

The formulation contains three herbs that are the best known diuretics. These herbs are punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), varuna (Crataeva nurvala) and gokshura(Tribulus terrestris). These herbs combinedly help in reducing water retention,balances vata and purifies blood.

Dose: Two tablets twice a day after meals.

Contact Planet Ayurveda Support Team to provide you the costing/ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or Call at 0172-521-4030 (India), +91-172-521-4030 (Outside India) or Whatsapp at (+91) 9915-593-604.


Hydrocele is a situation that is usually seen in children and adults both. Such situations are not to be ignored because the prolonged accumulation of fluid can cause rupture of testis membrane, infertility, testis atrophy, and many other conditions. The products offered by Planet Ayurveda in this case are totally herbal and do not cause any side effects. These products are made from the standardized extract of herbs and do not contain any adulteratives. In case of any query kindly visit www.planetayurveda.com

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