How to troubleshoot the Norton Error Code 40383?

Posted by James watson
Jan 24, 2018

Now-a-days, the users are highly attracted towards the online activities or the digital life for various purposes like shopping, downloading and many more. All these activities make the device prone against various attacks like threat attacks, spyware attack, malware infection, and virus attacks. All these attacks harm the personal data of the users and thus, they need a protection layer to avoid.

To provide the protection layer to the users’ data and devices against online threat attacks, Norton has introduced various online threat solutions like Norton Security Standard, Norton Security Deluxe and many more. All the Norton products are based on the methods of heuristics and signatures to detect the threats on the device.

Sometimes, users may face some common errors while using the Norton antivirus software andone such error is the Norton Error Code 40383. The Norton Error Code 40383 is the Window error codes that may be commonly faced by the users when the Windows system freezes or crashes. This error code may lead to a number of issues on the device such as blue screen errors, slow performance of the PC, startup issues, shutdown issues, installation errors and program lock-ups.On occurrence of the error code 40383, a message box is displayed on the screen of device that displays one of the messageslisted below:

“Norton Error Code 40383: not found.”

“Norton Error Code 40383, Access Violation.”

“Can’t discover %PROGFILES64%\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\Norton Error Code 40383.”


The root cause of the occurrence of the Norton Error Code 40383 is the presence of corrupted or the damaged file system, proving itself to be one of the biggest threatson the device. The file system gets corrupted due to the following reasons:

  1. Improper shutdown of the device
  2. Improper recovery from the spyware and malware attack
  3. Unable to delete the application or hardware
  4. Not able to install or uninstall the software


To resolve the Norton Error code 40383, follow the one of the stepwise proceduresmentioned in the below information, without making much effort.

Method 1: Restoring the System Tools

  • Launch the “Start” menu either by clicking the start button on the taskbar or press the “Windows” key on the keyboard.
  • Now, from this menu, select “Programs” option. Again a new menu will be displayed.
  • And then from this menu, select the “Accessories” option.
  • After this, select “System Tools” folder option.
  • Now, select “System Restore” option. A window will appear on the screen.
  • In this window, “Restore my computer to an earlier time” option and then click “Next” button.
  • Opt for the latest system restoring option from the “On this list, click a restoring point” list.
  • To confirm the restoration process, click the “Next” option in the confirmation window.
  • Once the restoration process gets completed, restart the device.

Method 2: Repairing the corrupted files

  1. Launch the “Start” menu.
  2. And run the “elevated command prompt” program i.e. the cmd program having all the administrative rights. To do so, type “cmd” in the search bar and press the “Ctrl + Shift + Enter” keys.
  3. A “User Account Control” window will appear on the screen. Ensure that the exhibited actions are correct.
  4. Now, press the “Continue” button.
  5. Copy or type the command written below without the quotes:

“Sfc /scannow”

If the Norton Error Code 40383 still persists on the device, then call the Norton technical support to get the instant assistance for resolving the error.


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