How to Troubleshoot Common Computer Hardware Problems?

Posted by Creative9 Blogs
Sep 17, 2022

Our computers have now become an integral part of our lives; for the majority of us, our whole work life is dependent on them, and when they fail or malfunction for any reason, that is where our entire stress and annoyance arises. 

You don't have to rush to the repair shop every time your computer malfunctions. Many common PC problems have straightforward solutions that you can solve yourself with a few easy steps. Although, When it comes to hardware, some technicians may struggle to determine what steps to take to determine what's wrong and how to repair it. Which component is causing the problem? Should the component be replaced? Should you first try to debug the software?

In this post, we'll go through how to diagnose common computer hardware issues and how to solve them. But keep this in mind. The most fundamental guideline is to always start with the most obvious options.  It might save you from all the hassle and chaos.

Your Computer Will Not Start Up -

This is one of the most prevalent issues with an easy remedy. There have been several situations when I have encountered this problem, with one or more unplugged components causing all of the problems. So, first and foremost, ensure that every component is connected. Experiment with different power outlets. It's not unusual for a fuse to blow, especially with increasingly power-hungry equipment. Most of the time, one hardware component fails, such as the keyboard, mouse, or monitor, because replacing them is far less expensive than major hardware replacements.

If you've followed all of these instructions and your computer still won't boot up, it's time to consider another factor: the tower. Are the lights on in the tower's front or back? If not, turn off the power supply unit (PSU). If this does not cure the problem, you can open up your tower and inspect the motherboard. Most have a little LED light built in to indicate whether or not power is being supplied to the motherboard. If it's switched off, you may either use a PSU tester or replace the power supply. It is exceedingly unsafe to open a PSU and attempt to fix it yourself.

When Your Computer Starts Up But Still Won’t Work-

If power is clearly flowing to the computer system and its peripherals, a component problem may exist. Is there anything out of the norm when you initially switch on the computer? Many times, the computer's Power-On Self-Test (POST) will tell you what's wrong with it. There are specific beep codes to which you should pay attention; these beep codes can assist you in troubleshooting typical computer hardware problems that your computer may be experiencing.

This is the list of certain beep codes that you can pay attention to -
  • No Beep But The Computer Starts Up and Runs Fine (under normal circumstances) - most computers give a short beep when they start up.

  • No Beep But The Computer Doesn’t Start Up - either the power supply is not completely on or it's dead.

  • Steady Short Beep - the power supply may be bad or the voltages might fluctuate.

  • Steady Long Beep - The power supply is not appropriate

  • Long, Continuous Beep - Your Random Access Memory (RAM) sticks might have failed. Whether you have more than one stick inserted, remove one and check if the machine boots.

  • One Long, and Two Short Beeps - A video card failure has occurred. Your first step should be to reseat the video card. When the computer system is connected to projectors, this frequently solves the problem because the VGA/DVI/Video connection is moved so frequently that the card can be slowly disconnected. If reseating fails, replace the video card.

Your Computer Screen Freezes -

The first thing to do when your computer stalls and isn't responding to your mouse or keyboard is to just wait. It may just take a few minutes for your computer to process. The non-responding software should then be terminated. If it doesn't work, restart the computer in Safe Mode by holding down the power button. If you've tried this and the problem persists, the issue is most likely with the driver; you may try changing it or having it changed by a professional. Another possibility is that you have a virus that is wreaking havoc on your machine. Perform a virus check, eliminate the infection, restore or reinstall corrupted files or applications, and install the most recent protection software.

Your Computer Is Running Out Of Memory -

Closing superfluous windows to free up RAM frequently resolves (at least temporarily) a "insufficient memory or disc space" problem notice. If you've done all of that and the problem still appears, consider resetting your computer and installing the most recent operating system update. If you don't have enough accessible memory and space (which you can check on Windows 10 by hitting the Windows-R button and entering perfmon in the Open field to launch the Performance Monitor), you can uninstall or remove any unwanted or superfluous items, particularly video/music files. Your final option is to upgrade your RAM.

Your Computer Displays A CMOS error -

The CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) is an onboard chip that saves data ranging from the time and date to system hardware configuration. If you see a CMOS alert message on your screen, you most likely need to replace the CMOS battery on the motherboard. Remove it carefully, install a new battery that is identical to the old one, and reset the CMOS settings to default.

Signs When Should You Seek A Professional Help -

If you don't feel comfortable performing any of these troubleshooting procedures, the solution is simple: contact an IT specialist. There's no need to jeopardize the life of your computer (or your own safety) only to mess about and avoid filing a ticket. You may contact us at Cell N Comp Repairs, and we'll have the problem resolved as quickly as possible.

and some more issues that may necessitate seeking expert assistance are -

  • You’ve tried everything on your own and the problem is still persistent. 

  • You don’t have a computer hardware problem and the actual problem is with your laptop. Since it’s harder to troubleshoot a laptop than a PC, for that you should definitely seek professional help. 

  •   Because of the tiny components assembled with hundreds of screws and a lot of tape, determining what is malfunctioning is complex and time-consuming.

Professionals go to school, receive frequent training, and obtain certificates in order to stay current with technology. They are your most valuable asset, therefore don't be afraid to seek their advice. And our personnel at our Cell N Comp Repair centre are highly trained and skilled at what they do, so contact us right away if you have computer hardware difficulties.

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