How to Shop Lingerie for a Woman the First Time

Posted by Le Bustiere Boutique
Aug 25, 2021

If you have a new woman in your life, you might be wondering how best you can approach intimate things like buying her lingerie. It can intimidate since most men have never bought women’s undergarments. However, the experience should not be scary or make you give up since the guide below can help. Consider it when next you decide to shop lingerie for her.

  1. Golden vibe

The first thing to work on is picking something that you are sure she would pick herself. You do not want to waste your efforts and even money doing the best holiday shopping in DC, only to pick what she would not like. Therefore, it is better to choose what you are certain will reflect her as an individual. For example, something straight would work best as compared to the typical garter belts and push-ups.

  1. When you do not know her correct size

It is common for men not to know their women’s sizes – this is lame since she might not agree with that. It is your responsibility to be a little bit more concerned and keen on what she wears. This way, it will be easier to know and memorize her dominant sizes for when next you go shopping lingerie pieces for her. After all, you do not want embarrassments or disappointments for buying sizes too small or big for her.

  1. Go for a failsafe choice

There is also a failsafe option you can try if you are out but confused about what undergarments to buy for her. You can consider talking to boutique attendants, for starters, and ask them for their assistance. It would help if you described your partner's tastes, sizes, skin tone, and hair color to the attendants, and they will surely help you. If all fails here, go for black lace, as it is always flattering, can be worn for any occasion, and can be your best failsafe.

  1. Consider the current trends

Consider what is turning eyes now. For example, bodysuits and bralettes are the top things. Not only will you get her the latest trends, but classy and sexy ones too.

  1. Forget your opinion

Lastly, do not conclude that she will like what you liked. Remember it is about her confidence and whether she will feel comfortable in what you buy. Therefore, considering her preferences more than yours will help.

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