How To Increase Brain Power How To Optimize Your Brain

Posted by Vishal Ahmad
Jul 26, 2018

Do you feel like your memory is getting poor these days? Do you have difficult time concentrating on things or solving some problems? These may be signals that your brain is slowing down. If you want to boost the power of your brain again, here are the things you must do.

Deep Breathing - Do not just breathe. You need to breathe the proper way. Once in a while, you need to practice deep breathing to help your brain get more oxygen. If the brain is not getting sufficient amount of oxygen, it will definitely slow down and this can affect your cognitive processes and your memory. If you feel confused, just breathe deeply then you will be able to relax and think better.

Meditation - Clearing your mind from stressful and unnecessary things will help the brain rest. When the brain is working non-stop, it will get tired easily. It will not be able to react to things as quickly as before. You can do meditation exercises at home before. You can also do it at work when you experience absentmindedness. When your brain is out of focus, just meditate and clear your mind. Focus on your breathe and the air. Five minutes of meditation will help you greatly in becoming more productive at work.

Dead Time Utilization - Dead time is the time you spent doing nothing. Examples of these are waiting in line and driving. Instead of letting time pass by without any merit, you can make use of it to boost your brain power. Download audio books and listen to them when your mind is not occupied by other things. You can also read some novels if the situation allows you to.

Language - They say that bilinguals have more brain power than people who can only speak one language. This makes sense. Language is a whole new thing to learn and being able to master more than one will give your brain a lot of training. This is because learning a language does not only entail grammar or vocabulary but pronunciations and cultural contexts as well.

Writing - You do not have to be a writer to write. In fact, all people can write about just everything they want to cover. If you have free time, write a journal or a short story. If you are feeling creative, create your own poems or fiction plots. Writing will really exercise your brain and will help you become more creative.

Sleep - This is very important to have a healthy and functional brain. According to studies, people should never deprive themselves of REM stage of sleep. When you are sleep deprived, your cognitive skills will gradually decline. This is the reason why people who lack sleep become forgetful and think slowly at times.

Speed Reading - Learning how to Quantum speed reading is a great training for the brain. In such a short period of time, you can learn twice or thrice as much as the usual. You can also improve your comprehension of things. There are many types of practices you can try to improve your reading and comprehension skills.

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