How To Get a Short Term Loan

Posted by Simon Hopes
Oct 9, 2017

Are you having thoughts about applying for a short term loan? Are you ready to move forward, but just a bit scared that you may be going down the wrong path? Do you need to clear the air before deciding once and for all if this is right for you?

If it comes time to get a short term loan, you don’t want to have any reservations about moving forward. You want to know that you are doing something that will benefit your company in a variety of ways.

It all starts with learning more about this type of loan. At the same time, you should also focus on the current financial position of your company, such as its credit score.

With all this in mind, you may be ready to learn more about securing a short term loan. It’s not always easy, but you should be able to make your way through the process in a timely manner.

Here are the steps you should take:

1. Learn More

It’s up to you to learn as much as possible about a short term loan, including why it’s right for your business.

For example, did you know that this type of loan typically has a repayment term of 3 to 18 months? Or how about the fact that you will be asked to make daily or weekly payments?

These are the types of details that you need to become familiar with, as they will help you decide how to move forward.

2. Find a Lender

It’s one thing to say that you want to secure a short term loan, but another thing entirely to actually do so. You can’t do anything until you find a lender that suits your many requirements.

If your local bank can’t help you out, don’t hesitate to search online. This is the best way to find lenders, compare each one, and learn more about what they can do for your business.

Tip: you should never assume that one lender is the same as another. There are many details that set them apart, such as eligibility requirements, so you must keep this in mind.

3. Determine if You Qualify

Do you really want to waste your time applying for a short term loan if you don’t qualify? This is one of the best ways to confuse yourself, while also adding more stress to your life.

The best thing you can do is learn more about eligibility requirements early on. To determine if you qualify, reach out to the lender that you want to do business with. You’ll soon find that they have many requirements in place, which could look something like the following:

       A minimum of six months in business

       A credit score of 500 or higher

       Annual revenue of $100,000 or more

If you meet all the requirements, you can move forward in a confident manner. If you don’t, you may want to look into another type of business loan.

4. Complete an Application

Enough talking about a short term loan. At some point you need to take action. This means asking the lender what you need to do in order to complete an application.

The application for a short term loan shouldn’t be overly complicated. In fact, with the right knowledge, you can complete this in a couple of hours at the most.

Don’t be surprised if you’re asked for detailed information along the way, such as copies of your tax returns. Having all of this on hand will allow you to quickly move forward, all without any fear of making a mistake.


These are just a few of the many things you can do if you want to get a short term loan. Other steps may pop up along the way, and you should do your best to deal with each one head on.

The most important thing is that you come to the conclusion that a short term loan is right for you. This will ensure that you can be confident with each step you take.

What are your thoughts on a short term loan? Do you know what you need to do in order to secure funds in the near future? Have you gone through this process in the past? Share your experiences, personal thoughts, and other advice in the comment section below.

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