How to fix Norton Family Server Error?

Norton antivirus protects all personal and business PCs and handheld devices from various viruses, malware, and other online threats. Norton Setup is compatible for all PCs and mobile operating systems. This is highly efficient and effective that keeps on balancing the time of our kids, they spend online and make the web safe for them as well. This product is very high-profile that keep user updated what their kids are sharing on social media networking sites via internet. Additionally, this Norton family premier ensures user that their kids are safe from over-sharing. To get updated with the kid's activities activate Norton Antivirus on your PC or handheld device. our you can visit for more information.
During the process of configure or disable Norton setup user need to follow some steps, but while performing this procedure user may face several errors. One of the most common error faced by the user is “The Norton Family server is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later”. To prevent the following error, you just need to follow some simple procedures and make your PC or handheld device safe and secure.
Here we are directing the user, how to configure or disable Norton Family premier? Here are two procedures to do so; second procedure has been followed by the user, in case if he/she fails to fix the problem by the use of the first procedure. Second procedure will only work when the first procedure is not able to configure or disable the user’s Norton Family security setup.
The Error: "The Norton Family server is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later"
The first step user should take is to find out the reason of the error, if the issue is related to the system problem or the outage.
Procedure 1:
First step: To check the date on the system
Second step: To open the Run dialog box, press the Windows + R keys.
Third Step: Press Enter after typing timedate.cpl text.
Fourth Step: Now go on the Date and Time window, and click Change date and time option.
Fifth Step: Now select the current month, year, and day.
Sixth Step: now you need to Click Apply, and after that click OK.
Now if you see that you can configure your Norton Family then restart your system.
But in case if the problem persist the user need to follow the second procedure.
Procedure Two:
Step 1:
First disable the firewall temporarily
Step 2:
now start the firewall program in a new window
Note: When we use firewall programs it displays a small icon in the notification area near the clock. You need to Right-click or double-click that program icon to open the firewall and temporarily disable the firewall.
If you can’t able to do so then for further instructions, read the programs help or contact the program publisher's support.
Step 3: Now right-click the Norton Family icon, in the notification area, and then you need to click Edit Accounts or Update House Rules.
Step 4: Now you require typing your parent email address and password, and then clicking OK.
Note: You just need to perform only one process from the preceded one
If the user still faces the error, then it can be due to a temporary problem with the Norton Family server. Please try again later.
In case if the user problem is resolved after disabling the firewall, the user needs to create a rule in your firewall program to allow connection to the following Norton Family server on port 443:
It is also possible that the user may not able to change or not sure how to change the firewall settings, contact the firewall program publisher.
If the problem persists then the user need to visit contact us section of the Norton Setup, or contact Norton setup Customer Support Number.