How to choose best mobile app development framework?

Posted by Amit Tiwari
Aug 30, 2017
The act of developing any high-end mobile application or technology is never an easy task. However, with the right tools and frameworks, developers can perform this task easily and efficiently. A framework is known to be sophisticated software that includes some sub-components which assist in any mobile app development any developer may want to have.

The various sub-components used in this kind of work include debuggers, toolsets, programming interfaces, code libraries compilers among other essential elements.

Understanding the difference between Native cross and hybrid platform app development

There is a significant difference between the two kinds of app development as discussed in this section.

• A Hybrid cross-platform is known to be a set of configuration, development, and build tools that permit some standard web technologies. This includes JavaScript and HTML5 along with CSS3. These are technologies that are packaged on mobile phones. Such assets are then uploaded to the apple store or play store to enable the Android user to utilize them.

• The native cross-platform is almost similar to the Hybrid approach. However, it cuts CSS and HTML from a given equation allows the packaging to be done directing to the operating system of the mobile.

Considerations in making the right choice

There are several things that you must consider if you would like to develop any framework for your phone. Such factors are discussed below.

1. Feature Support

Every device can support some specific features of its operating system. Understanding the various platforms that support the kind of features, you would like to could be an ideal idea.

2. The framework risk

This remains a significant consideration for many mobile app developers. Shopping out of the appropriate or officially supported structures induces some sense of risks in any gadget you may have. This is because you shall be putting some layers of abstraction between running code and the target platform.

3. Speed considerations

This is in fact, the primary thing you must think of whenever you are developing any application. The speediest execution will mostly come from the true native apps in any IOS or Java (Android). It is important to note that the difference in speed is pivotal for the majority of apps.

4. The development cost

It is always worth thinking about any expertise you may already have or the knowledge you can easily externally access. It is crucial to evaluate and comprehend the kind of costs you may incur in developing any single app with any resources available.

The Hybrid Options Available

This space includes various kinds of players, understanding them may be helpful to most developers. These include:

• Apache Cordova

This is a uniquely developed framework that is technically command-line driven. The app framework includes in-built components that respond to an input of JavaScript, CSS, or even HTML. As a result, they produce apps that run on every mobile device.

• Ionic

This is another fantastic framework; it is technically built on top of Apache Cordova. This framework integrates well with single-page applications that are known as Angular. A framework is also an open option. Over the recent years, ionic has substantially upgraded to native version.

Cross-platform Native options

These kinds of tools allow a single language that targets multiple platforms. It is a framework that supports high performing apps such as games. The framework is also ideal for business apps especially for those companies that want significant savings on earnings.

• Native script

This is the newest release in the industry. It is considered an open-source for most business apps. It applies to mobile phones with Typescript and JavaScript.

• React Native

It is an app that comprises of standard app requirements that are put in a single framework and are powered at any time for productivity reasons. Thus it is a framework that is useful in custom mobile app development.

Before you choose any framework, it would be great to understand the functions of mobile app developers that may be using the apps as well. The way your app will interact with other applications and the users could also be a great thing to look at for a quality framework.

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