How to buy the best quality organic ghee online

Posted by Milkio Foods
Mar 26, 2020

Organic ghee is considered as one of the most popular dairy staples. There are numerous brands available in the market and almost everybody is claiming the superiority of their brands and related products. Buying the best quality organic ghee online can be a tricky task but you can follow a few steps as described here. While buying ghee, read the label of the ghee bottle.  

  • The ingredients list should be written in detail on the label and also check if the ingredients are collected from a certified organic farm.

  • If the declaration of purity is there that the ghee is free from preservatives, colours, and additives.

  • If the ghee is procured from 100% grass-fed cow milk.

  • If the ghee is of natural yellow golden colour.

  • Good quality ghee is of granular texture and it releases a feel-good nutty flavour. 


Good quality ghee is shelf-stable

Organic ghee, being made from 100% grass-fed cow milk, has a long shelf life. It can be preserved without refrigeration support for 12 months from the date of its manufacturing. If you are confused about finding good quality organic cow ghee, you should check the shelf life of the product before purchase. A good quality organic cow ghee will offer you a long shelf life without refrigeration. Unless it is shelf-stable, probably it is not the best product available in the market.


Good quality ghee is free from the risk of dairy sensitivity

People who are dairy sensitive can consume this dairy product as it is lactose and casein free. Organic ghee can be added to the diet of carrying mothers and growing toddlers in their diet. Also check the label if it is mentioned there that the product is gluten-free, GMO-free, and free from all types of additives.

Check if there is storage recommendation

To preserve good-quality grass-fed ghee you must take care of some things. For example, ghee is photosensitive and moisture sensitive. Therefore all manufacturers recommend ideal storage conditions for their product. When you are buying quality organic ghee, you can check if the label has storage recommendations: quality assurance is one of the essential features of the brand selling good quality. Try to use a dry and spoon to take out ghee from the jar.

Tallying all these points can be too hectic while buying organic grass-fed ghee. Alternatively, you can buy Milkio branded organic, grass-fed cow ghee, which is manufactured in New Zealand under a strict quality assurance and proper quality control.

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