Posted by Amit Gupta
Apr 17, 2020

So your little one now falls in the age group of 2.5 to 3 and is all set to put his/her foot outside the comfort of your home to enter the academic world.Worried how will this transition take place? This is exactly where the role of a preschool comes into prominence as it is a preschool where your children are aptly prepared to embrace the transition to the academic life ahead. A preschool provides a robust foundation to the tender minds of children on which they can lay their further development both academically and socially. Preschool education helps set a pace for learning and prepares children for the journey ahead in the most fun-filled, activity-based manner.

This is why it is often said that when children are provided the support of the right preschool, it helps to bring in a major change in their personality development as well as the academic life ahead. From cognitive abilities to social and emotional development, preschools contribute to the overall development of young children. Here, in this article today, let us ponder upon a few key aspects that make preschool education a vital part in the academic journey of children.

Preschools provide children with opportunities to grow

Preschools offer first-handexperience for children to learn in a structured setting. It provides them the right environment to learn and grow while having fun participating in the age-appropriate activities with other kids. They are taught to follow instructions, share things, and interact in groups with other children. A preschool supports the kids’ initial learning phase, aiding in their development of physical, social, and intellectual abilities.

Lay the path for the holistic development of children

Preschools act as a bridge for the young minds to comfortably get on to the path of academic readiness. A preschool setting induces learning through fun and interactive play activities that make children organize and learn in sync with their cognitive abilities. With a continued focus on pre-literary and math skills, children are prepared for the academic demands that future schooling would pose to them. Preschool education provides kids to learn through interactive ways that enhance their social, emotional, cognitive, and physical abilities.

Aid in the social and emotional development of kids

Studies have revealed that children who are socially and emotionally strong turn out to be better at academics. This is why the leading preschools focus more on nurturing emotional and social development in children. It is at the preschool where children learn emotional self-control and social skills through experiences with peer group. The social setting helps develop in them a sense of emotional belonging and instills in them vital social skills. 

Promote language and cognitive skills

The preschool environment acts as the best place to nurture language skills in children and enhance their cognitive abilities. Conversational discussions, interactive sessions, and thought-provoking questions that the teachers engage the kids in, help the children boost their vocabulary and cognition. Activities like singing rhymes, story-telling, using read-aloud books, and act-out storiesserve to boost up the overall skill development process in children.

At Junior DPS, being one of the most widely trusted kids preschool in India, we endeavor to offer a conducive,fun-filled learning environment where the latest technology in the educational arena have been clubbed with cutting-edge curriculum to provide the young minds with a multi-faceted yet cherishable learning experience. Our pedagogy and educational environment aim at bringing about the holistic development of children while finely polishing theirinnate abilities and talents. We, at Junior DPS, take immense pride in the fact that each of our kids steps out of our school well-prepared to make their mark in the academic journey ahead.

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