How Much Does It Cost To Hire Software Developer?

Posted by Alcax Solutions
Nov 29, 2023

An extensive brainstorming session and thorough analysis of multiple variables were necessary when estimating the cost of hiring software developers, such as the technology stack required for the app, the scope of the project, and the resources required to overcome app development hurdles. This blog will take you through each step and provide you with a formula to determine the real cost of hiring a software developer.

How much does it cost to hire software developers?

According to experienced app developers, the average cost to build a basic app is between $10,000 and $15,000, while the average cost to build a mid-level or complex app is between $20,000 and $30,000.

However, you should be aware that the cost of hiring software developers depends on where you are, so you should not assume these estimates are accurate before doing so.

Let's take an initial look at the hourly rates for Hire App Developer in various locations.

  • How much does Alcax Solutions charge to hire a software developer? - $20 to $50+ per hour depending on capacity

  • In the United States, the cost of hiring mobile app developers ranges between $50 and $100 per hour.

  • Indian Android app developers can be hired for $15 to $30 per hour.

  • In Ukraine, the cost of hiring software developers typically ranges between $30 and $50 per hour.

  • Expect the cost of hiring mobile app developers in the Philippines to be between $25 and $45 per hour.

How Much does it cost to hire a software developer?

How much it costs to hire a software developer is a major concern for all entrepreneurs, no matter their experience level. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question.

There is no one-size-fits-all application for businesses, just as there are no standard requirements for all types of businesses. Additionally, different levels of App Development Company require different skill sets of app developers. So, how do you calculate the price of hiring a software developer?

To know the opinions of industry experts, let us check out the preview of the market survey reports.

  • The market survey reports indicate that entry-level software engineers in the US usually make between $68,612 and $82,387 per year on average.

  • Mid-level software developers typically make between $86,125 and 104,530 per year. 

  • In 2020, the cost to hire a highly experienced software developer ranged from 110,140 to 140,470. 

In short, there are many factors that can affect the cost of hiring a mobile app developer in USA, including experience, certifications, additional skills, and more. It is important to understand the factors affecting software development costs before proceeding with the process of hiring Android app developers in USA.

What are the main factors influencing the hourly rate of a software developer?

Many variables, such as a software developer's location, degree of experience, and area of expertise, affect their hourly rate. For example, the cost of hiring US app developers can range from $20 to $50 per hour, while the average cost of a software developer in the United States is between $120 and $200 per hour. So what are the factors that affect their hourly rate so significantly?

1. The nature of the project being worked on (e.g. maintenance vs. new development)

The scope of your project will determine how much it will cost to hire a software developer. The needs of different projects may vary, causing the hourly rate for developers to fluctuate. While a complex project may require hiring a dedicated development team, a small project may only require a single developer with mid-level experience.

In summary, you should decide on the following when defining the scope of your project:

  • the complexity of the project;

  • The number of app developers required to complete the project;

  • Third-party integrations are required.

For example, if an app tracks items on your grocery list, you may only need one developer to work on its mobile and web versions. However, a website that sells thousands of products will likely need additional developers to work on various software components.

Simply put, the cost of developing custom software will increase with the complexity and diversity of technologies required.

2. Choosing the Right Programming Language: Native or Cross-Platform Programming Language

The price of hiring software developers is also affected by different programming languages. Choose between hiring a React Native developer who can create a cross-platform app or hiring an Android app developer in USA with specialized knowledge of Java.

The programming language you choose for the project will have a big impact on how much a software developer will charge per hour.

3. Developer's skills and experience

These are the key elements that influence how much it costs to hire software developers. For example, the hourly rate for hiring software developers with five years or less of experience typically ranges between $50 and $75. However, those who have worked for 15 years or more can earn wages ranging from $80-$120 per hour.

4. Full-Time Software Developers vs. Freelancers

Full-time employees of a company will likely receive higher wages than independent contractors and freelancers. Hiring software developers from USA instead of hiring full-time employees can help businesses save up to 50% annually on salaries alone.

Pricing guide for software development and hourly rate comparison

You would be surprised at how much it costs to hire Android app developers considering the many factors that influence the hourly rate for software development.

If you're still trying to determine how much it will cost to hire a software developer, you should first become familiar with the different types of software development companies and how their hourly rates vary.

There are essentially three ways to find software developers in USA: hiring freelancers, hiring in-house developers, and outsourcing software development. There are variations in the average cost of hiring software developers.

1. Employing on-site programmers

According to PayScale, companies in the US need to spend between $44 to $82 per hour to hire internal software developers for software development projects. Although there are many advantages of hiring in-house software developers, such as project management, timely updates, and feature customization, it is not a viable option for small businesses or startups due to its high cost.

2. Cost of Hiring Freelancers

Freelancers make an annual rate of $82,978, based on ratings from Glassdoor; Costs vary depending on the project, from small to enterprise. However, hiring freelancers for large-scale, enterprise-level projects can be an expensive but unsatisfactory option as these individuals are more likely to abandon projects midway or be unable to provide consistent support.

3. Cost of hiring outside developers

For software development, outsourcing is considered the best option as it gives you access to talent across the globe at different pricing points. With this appointment option, you can easily find a software developer that meets your budget, regardless of the size of your company. According to Geniusee, the cost of hiring an external software developer varies depending on their location and can range from $18 to $50 per hour.

The cost of hiring an app developer varies depending on your options. Thus, these options make you realize the respective costs associated with each option.

For your project, how do you choose the best software developer?

The price of hiring software developers will change depending on the type of developer you need and your budget. How should software developers be hired? Before making a choice, it is important to take into account several factors. Following is a list of useful factors to keep in mind while hiring web developers in the USA

  • What level of proficiency in the area do they need to achieve to successfully complete the project?

  • Do they need any formal training or certifications to work at your company?

  • Do they want to work for your company on a contract, full-time, part-time, or freelance basis? How long will they have to work for your business?

  • How will they be available for contact during business hours and what will their schedule be like?

  • Does this role only require an entry-level background, or does it require years of industry experience?

  • For this position, will you offer benefits such as health insurance, paid leave, and other benefits?

  • Do they have the flexibility to work in different time zones?

  • Do they grant permission to use the project code?

  • To guarantee the security of the project, do they sign an NDA?

  • Make sure you take into account this checklist to onboard the best talent before deciding to hire an app developer in the USA.


The complexity of the project, whether you are hiring full-time or freelance, and the location of the work will all affect how much it will cost to hire a software developer. Because of this, it is important to discuss your requirements in depth with potential developers before doing anything.

Software development expenses are typically based on hourly rates, unlike other fields such as graphic design, which typically charge by the hour or project. These can range from $45 per hour to $300 per hour for more complex projects.

That's why, before contacting developers about their rates, it's important that you take the time to find out how much money you have to work with and how many hours your project might require.

If you are still unsure about the cost of hiring a Mobile App Development Company USA for your project then #Alcax is a trusted resource. After reviewing your app idea, our experts will advise you on what type of development team to hire for the project.

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