How Long Does It Take to Incorporate a Business in Singapore?

Posted by Leslie S.
Sep 15, 2020

Globally renowned as one of the very best countries on earth to do business from, Singapore provides an environment free of red tape and bureaucracy. How long does it actually take to register your company in Singapore?

How Long Does it Take to Incorporate in Singapore?

Believe it or not, you can register your company in Singapore in as little as 1 day! This incredible turn around is largely due to Singapore’s open attitude towards welcoming investment into the country. However, to get your business set up in Singapore as quickly as possible, you’ll have to be prepared.

Let’s go through exactly what you need to get ready to have your Singapore business registered and up and running in just 1 day.

Where to Start When Registering Your Company in Singapore

First thing’s first, you’ll need a registered Singapore company incorporation service to set up your new business in Singapore. This is mandated by the Singapore Government, and their Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). Using a registered company incorporation service ensures that you can easily comply with any local laws and regulations, by letting the service do the heavy lifting for you. A good incorporation service will walk you through every step of the Singapore company registration process, and even sort out meetings with local banks and law services. Our one piece of advice would be to pick your Singapore company incorporation service carefully – there are plenty out there, but you get what you pay for. Look for a service provider that has been around a long time with proven results. Now that we’ve covered incorporation services, let’s go on to the documents you’ll need to get ready to get your new Singapore company set up in just 1 day.

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