How does the Keto Diet work? | Ketofy

Posted by Mukesh Nath
Sep 28, 2019
If you eat carbohydrates, these are converted in your stomach and intestines into sugars, which enter the blood as glucose. This applies to all foods with carbohydrates, so not only for sweets, cookies, and soft drinks but also for fruit, fruit juice and starchy products such as potatoes, beans, and rice. An excess of glucose is stored in your body under the influence of insulin, initially mainly in the muscles, so that it is quickly available again when you exercise. If there is a larger excess of glucose, it will be stored as a fat reserve in various places in your body. Especially the fat that is stored around the organs in your abdominal cavity (the so-called visceral fat) is unhealthy.

For most people, glucose is the most important fuel for the body. That is why marathon runners who use glucose as an energy source will have to take after about 10 kilometers extra food in the form of carbohydrates, such as gels and sports drinks.

However, your body can also use fats as fuel, but for that, you will have to switch the switch by limiting the number of carbohydrates. Your body then has no other fuel available and will switch to burning fat. You have to put some extra effort into this because your body can burn the fast sugars of carbohydrates much more easily.

That your body has to put extra effort into burning fat is beneficial, because it means that you burn extra calories to start burning fat. Fat cells are broken down in the liver so that they can be used for energy. As a result of fat burning, the liver produces ketones, which together with fatty acids can provide your body with energy. To ensure that your liver continues to produce ketones you will need to limit the number of carbohydrates. Good to know: chains are an ideal fuel for your brain. It is therefore not necessary to eat sugars to keep your brain functioning properly during exams and to stay mentally sharp, as was sometimes thought in the past. People who follow the keto diet often notice that they can think sharper and clearer mentally.

Is it hard to keep up with the keto diet?

Is it difficult to eat so little carbohydrates? And what about the keto flu, which you sometimes hear about? This is especially true in the beginning, especially if you were used to eating a lot of carbohydrates. If you were used to eating a large bowl of honey corn flakes in the morning, a pile of sandwiches during lunch and a large plate of pasta in the evening, it would take some getting used to eating keto. You can get some flu-like symptoms and headaches in the first week due to the different way of eating. This is normal because your body has to get used to the switch from sugar to fat burning.

If you are already used to eating low-carb products and have tried the Atkins diet, South Beach, Montignac or similar low-carbohydrate diets, switching to keto is very easy.

You will also have to get used to a different type of food. Instead of a traditional breakfast with muesli, croissants and orange juice, you will have to make other choices, such as a breakfast with eggs and bacon, cheese, avocado, cottage cheese, muesli made from seeds and nuts and coffee. If you have a sweet tooth, it can be difficult. If you like hearty, then the Keto Diet is perfect.

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