How Can You Grow Hedging Plants in New Zealand

Posted by Touch Tropics
Sep 22, 2022

There is nothing like a classic box to do the job. Reliable little box hedging plants, aka Buxus, is a time-honored favorite among growers. The vast m popularity of the band dates back centuries and still today. For those who love the neatness and order it at a well-defined border, the hedging plant in New Zealand is hard to beat.

There are many species to choose from, hall with the small green Leaves with the dense growth of desirable darkest green is easy to grow, and it does not. Sub tropical Auckland plant needs trimming a couple of times a year. The hedging plant in New Zealand has a long life. the

The good news is that Buxus is the plant to go for. If the blight has struck your place, you simply want something different; many attractive alternatives exist.

The most common species to grow in New Zealand is Buxus sempervines. It also has a wide variety called the Buxus microphylla var. Japonica grows faster with Shiny leaves. The green gem is a modern hybrid that shows science is less prone to blight.



The New Zealand native Corokiyas is a highly rated hedging plant that has tiny leaves in colors ranging from olive green through green and silver to chocolate brown.

It's also called the Greenty's ghost and can be as low as 25 cm with dense growth.

Myrtus ugni


It is a compact hedging plant with small and leathery leaves. It has new growth and sweet edible berries in the early months of autumn. It's like a native of Chile.

Teucrium Fruticans


It's a charming soft silvery Olive plant and is quite popular. It grows as fast as formal plants Auckland. The hedging needs frequent trimming.

Berberis (Barberry)


Don't rule out a deciduous hedging plant. It makes stunning little hedges with vibrant red, purple, orange, and yellow tones. In times of mid-winter, the texted framework of useless branches comes with a character all of its own. It has spines, but it is an excellent option for privacy.

Podocarpus totara

The blue-green totara makes a stunning hedging plant in New Zealand. Whether you want to keep it a meter or more, it's an excellent option.

    Autumn is the ideal time to grow hedging plants Auckland in, New Zealand.

       It is good to buy vigorous young plants of an even grade.

    For instant results, it's good to go for a readymade heading plant available in linear meters. Ask about it at a plant store.

    In times of mid or late spring, as the young plant has its first stint of new growth, get it cut by half. Early pruning is essential to help you as she was straight and even trimmed.

  It's better not to prune it too heavily in autumn, as the resulting growth will be susceptible to damage.

  Shaping hedging plants Auckland with slight sloping slides encourages leaf growth to the base.


For more info, contact us today. 

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