How an attendance management system can help improve employee time patterns
Employees are the biggest asset to any organization. It is no wonder thus that companies want the employees to be working towards the growth of the company. From the other side, the employees’ needs to be happy and feel wanted in the organization, only then they will be able to put in their best. So the start point for the employee contentment is their remuneration. The amount that gets deposited in their accounts every month should be consistent with the work they are putting in. Similarly, from the company perspective also, they would expect their employees to put in their best efforts too.
Time attendance is an important consideration for both the employee and the company. An attendance management system is helpful in capturing this timing details of the employees accurately and efficiently as well. It will also help to streamline the process by avoiding manual calculations. But there is another hidden benefit for these attendance management systems. By using them judiciously and tactically it is possible for the company to alter the employee time patterns and bring in more efficiency to the system. Let us see how.
1.Effective Time Tracking
The main reason a company would go in for an attendance management system is for the effectiveness it brings in time recording. Most companies don’t go beyond that. What they need to start doing is analyze this time data. Employees who fail to log in for the stipulated time should be sent reminders and action can be taken against them after 3 or 5 reminders. Similarly for employees who log in more time should be rewarded with benefits, which need not always be monetary. An appreciation message or an eCard. Slowly, you will notice that the employees start to maintain their timings in the office.
2.Setting Weekly/Monthly Time Goals
An attendance management system allows the company to set up weekly and monthly time goals. And each day it can be tracked by both the employee and the organization. Every employee would be required consistently achieve their weekly and monthly goals. They may be allowed the flexibility, based on company discretion, to compensate for the work hours for a day within the next day or so. This way, the employee also gets motivated to maintain and balance his time entries.
3.Daily Time Analysis
Sometimes the employee productivity may get reduced due to health, personal reasons, etc. This would clearly reflect in their time entries. An analysis of the time entry pattern in the attendance management system should give the company or HR an idea about it. They can talk to the employee to understand the issues faced and offer a solution wherever possible. This way the employee will also feel more wanted in the organization and he would be motivated to contribute more towards the companies objectives.
4.Planning and tracking of shifts
Most of the companies have their employees working in shifts to provide 24/7 support to the customer and also for the maximum utilization of the resources and infrastructure. Tracking employees in shifts can be an uphill task without an attendance management system. With a good system in place, the HR would be able to clearly get the data about the in and out timings of the employees. It is also useful to employees who will be benefitted with applicable shift allowances by the transparency in the system.
5.Integration with enterprise software
Enterprise solution software keeps a track of the details of employees among many other things. An important input for this system would be the time data of the employee to process their payroll and other modules. Without an attendance management system, the enterprise software may not be as effective. From the employee perspective also once he understands that his time data is automatically getting linked to his pay and other benefits he would definitely put in extra efforts to log in the required number of hours.
So irrespective of the size of the organization and the number of employees an attendance management system is a must. It offers multi-level benefits for everyone. As a company, it helps in keeping track of the employee time and analyzes the productivity trends which can help them formulate new policies and changes. For the HR people, it is a big boon because it gives them an accurate and precise data which the HR team needs as input for several other systems. And finally, for the employee, it brings in a clear and transparent time tracking mechanism.
The best way of going forward in this digital world is for companies to switch to an attendance management system. And when you are at it, get the Attendance Software from the pioneers. CuckooTech. They offer the best in class products with the most advanced features. Their products are worth every penny spent. You don’t have to believe me, get a free demo to see for yourself.