Helping Teens Steer Through Peer Pressure

Posted by Sachin Kumar
Apr 20, 2023

Being parents to a teenager can be an exhilarating yet challenging experience. As parents, you would want to shape your teenage kid into their best form, but peer pressure can make the opposite happen. If your kid is spending a lot of time with other kids or people they admire, they might indirectly get influenced by them. While not all peer pressure is bad, it is crucial to identify the one creating trouble.

For example, the peer pressure arising from being in the company of motivated students can be positive. But the same coming from people or things that can potentially make your teenage kid uncomfortable or affect their health is dangerous. We at Dayawati Modi Academy, one of the best school in meerut, understand this very well, and this is, in fact, the reason why we often teach our students effective ways of identifying signs of good and bad peer pressure. However, we strongly believe that to ensure that your teens successfully steer through peer pressure, it is vital that you, as parents, also remain actively involved in the process.

So, if you are a parent and want to help your teen kid get past negative peer pressure, go ahead and make use of the below-mentioned tips.

  • Teach Teens to Identify & Evaluate Their Goals

No matter how much you want; you cannot stay around your teenage kids 24*7 and assist them in making everyday decisions. What you can do instead is to teach them the best ways to navigate difficult situations. If you feel your teenage kids are affected by peer pressure, teach them to identify their goals. Ask them whether their peer’s present behavior or actions will help them achieve their goals or make them distant.

Once teens start establishing a connection between their long-term goals and their peer’s behavior/actions, they will begin making the right decision, and peer pressure won’t affect them any longer. We at Dayawati Modi Academy promote this technique because it helps teenagers to view situations with less of an emotional lens and more logic.

  • Encourage Independence

Another highly effective thing that you, as parents, can do to help your teenage kids successfully steer through peer pressure is to encourage them to find the path best suited for them. Since teenagers will soon enter adulthood, it is crucial to enable them to identify problems and devise solutions to make them fiercely independent. Teach them to make choices that are right for them, even if it doesn’t make them popular in front of their peer circle.

When teens start making decisions deep-rooted in peer pressure, they develop low self-esteem and lower confidence. But if you teach them resilience and the importance of making decisions that are good for them, the chances of giving up to peer pressure will reduce. Yes, as parents, you can always assist them whenever they are stuck, but try to promote independent thinking for the best results.

  • Teach Your Kids to Say No

Saying no to wrong things is a skill few have mastered. Since kids spend most of their time scrolling through social media, they often try to imitate behaviors/actions to become popular and accepted in their peer circle. But this route may not always be right. If you want your teenage kids to avoid getting trapped in peer pressure, teach them to say no to things that don’t feel right or make them feel uncomfortable.  

So, our advice in this regard for parents would be to go ahead and ask your teenagers to trust their instincts and proceed with actions aligning with their long-term goals and not the ones leading to quick popularity. Every teenager must know how to politely decline offers that don’t seem right without feeling guilty or embarrassed. At Dayawati Modi Academy, we believe saying no doesn’t make them a bad friend or acquaintance; it only implies they’re wise enough to make the right choice for them.


If you don’t want your teenage kids to engage in risky behaviors/actions or struggle academically, you must ensure they don’t fall victim to peer pressure. Having said that, we understand that in today’s digitized age, it is easier than ever to feel pressurized to perform certain activities that make them more popular and accepted. However, it is important to keep in mind that these actions may not always be correct. Thus, as parents, you must ensure your kids don’t feel forced to do activities that don’t make them feel comfortable, safe, and morally correct.

At Dayawati Modi Academy, one of the best school in meerut, we firmly believe that while there are numerous ways to help children navigate peer pressure, encouraging them to make independent decisions, saying no to harmful activities, and identifying & evaluating goals are the best ways. Besides, as parents, it is also important for you to ensure that your teenage kids choose their friends’ circle wisely. We are pretty much certain that with proper parental support and the right kind of encouragement from your end, you can definitely help your teen kids steer through any kind of negative peer pressure.

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