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Scientists are really catching on to the wonders of these tiny bugs. Every week I read about another study showing how probiotics have improved some body function or health ailment. Is there any disease or ailment NOT connected to a well-balanced gut? I bet researchers will Slim
Belly fix be busy for years affirming the benefits of fermented probiotics. You don't need to wait for the results. A balanced gut already has so many proven benefits from reducing the risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and allergies to cognitive functioning. This is only the tip of probiotic benefits. So what are you waiting for? How are you going to replenish your good bacteria today? Show us that beautiful smile-it's the door to good health.
I had the fortunate opportunity today to give a short talk about bowel health and colon hydrotherapy. For the first few minutes I was acutely aware of the embarrassed shuffling and unease in the room as I raised this modern "taboo" subject. What always strikes me in my work as a colon hydrotherapist is the almost universal lack of understanding about the bowel. Where is it? What does it do? What constitutes "normal" bowel functions, frequency and regularity of movement? And also the reluctance to use words such as defecation, wind, stools.There is little wonder that in the UK we have a high level of colorectal cancers, which are ever on the increase (the latest figures published by Cancer Research UK in 2010 claim just less than 41,000 new cases each year), along with seemingly increasing incidences of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD, including Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis.)