Great New Wild Adventures for Nature Lovers in 2022

Posted by Emma L.
Jun 27, 2022

With summer just around the corner, it's time for a brand new adventure, and no, the garden and grocery store aren't going to make the final cut. During two years of rigorous travel restrictions, we've all made bucket lists of endless adventures just waiting for us as soon as the world starts turning again. Well, it seems safe to say that that time has finally come – all those wild adventures are just a reservation away. Assuming it won’t be easy to choose only a couple on your own, here are some of the best nature adventures to try out this summer! 

Exploring Australia’s wildlife

Just a little over two years after the brutal bushfires, Australia’s wildlife is beginning to get back on its feet. While rejuvenation efforts are popping up all over the continent, one definitely worthy of a mention is a sanctuary known as Wildlife Wonders. This little piece of heaven is safely hidden away among acres of never-ending forests and waterfalls. Within it, a team of botanists, zoologists, and environmental specialists constructed a wooden path that leads you through this wildlife sanctuary. Those willing to embark on this adventure will have over an hour to discover all the natural wonders hidden inside. In addition, the sanctuary’s Research Base provides a unique learning experience, as visitors familiarize themselves with all the endangered species living here. 

Safari adventure in Namibia 

For most of us, the thought of an African safari evokes images of enormous dunes and sun-kissed desert landscapes. However, the Namibian Caprivi Strip offers its visitors something completely different. Contrary to what we may expect, this piece of land is a green haven overflowing with wildlife. Thanks to its many rivers, the Caprivi Strip is home to some of the most diverse species in Africa. Inside the Nkasa Rupara National Park, the most adventurous souls will find a ranger station and lodge open for tourists. From here, you’ll have the chance to observe the largest population of buffalo in Namibia. Alongside them, lions, leopards, and hippos are also free to roam this African paradise.

Rafting along the Tara River in Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Although known for centuries, the Tara River has just recently become one of the most talked-about adventures in Europe. Its steep slopes and fast river flow made it the ideal place for the first registered rafting club in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Now, only a few years later, rafting on the Tara has become a must for friends and coworkers alike. It is the go-to place for both a team-building retreat and a long family weekend. This peaceful yet daring place offers overnight stays, accompanied by traditional cuisine that will have you begging for seconds. Alongside rafting, visitors have the chance to go on hiking tours and try out their canoeing skills.

Count the stars in Northern Minnesota, USA

The next adventure on the list will take you across the Atlantic and to northern Minnesota. Although rarely the setting of romantic comedies, the nights in northern Minnesota offer an idyllic experience unlike almost anywhere else in the world. Because of its successful fight against light pollution, the northern Minnesota sky is filled with tens of thousands of stars each night. A cross-border initiative termed The Heart of the Continent Dark Sky Initiative has been working tirelessly to make this place the largest dark-sky destination known to date. Thus, although it may not sound like it, northern Minnesota may be just the place for an adventurous romantic getaway. 

Photo by Unsplash

Trekking from coast to coast in Costa Rica 

The last destination on the list will take you south of the border, specifically to Costa Rica. Even though famous for its beaches and resorts, we’re heading to Costa Rica for something else –  El Camino de Costa Rica. While its name doesn’t give it away, this is a 174-mile-long hiking trail that spans from the Pacific to the Caribbean coast. As it passes through rural and urban centers alike, this trail is meant to spark the country’s economic development as well as the tourists’ sense of adventure. For less experienced adventurers, hiking it with a guide is highly recommended.

From Australia, across Africa, and all the way to America, this adventure guide has something for everyone. Thus, if you're looking to stay local or at least within the continent, you won't have to go far for an unforgettable adventure this summer!

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