Government releases New Guidelines for social media influencers

Posted by Jeetu Kumar
Jun 28, 2023

In a move aimed at regulating the growing influence and impact of social media influencers in India, the government has recently released new guidelines to ensure transparency, authenticity, and accountability in their online activities. The guidelines, formulated by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, seek to establish a framework for influencers to follow while engaging with their followers on various social media platforms. The key aspects of the guidelines are as follows:


Definition and Registration Process

The guidelines provide a clear definition of social media influencers, identifying them as individuals who have a significant number of followers or subscribers on platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Influencers are required to register themselves with the relevant authorities to ensure compliance with the guidelines.


Disclosure of Promotional Content

One of the primary objectives of the guidelines is to ensure transparency in promotional content. Influencers are now mandated to clearly disclose any paid partnerships or sponsored content. This disclosure should be prominently displayed in the post or video, making it easily understandable for viewers.


Verification of Products and Services

To protect consumers from misleading endorsements, influencers are expected to verify the authenticity and reliability of the products or services they promote. They must exercise due diligence in understanding the claims and qualities of the promoted items and ensure they do not endorse products that may be harmful or illegal.

Prohibition of Misleading Information

The guidelines emphasize that influencers should not engage in spreading false or misleading information that could harm the public interest or compromise national security. They are encouraged to fact-check the content they share and promote accurate information, especially regarding health, safety, and other sensitive topics.


Age-Appropriate Content

Considering the large number of young followers influencers often attract, the guidelines stress the importance of age-appropriate content. Influencers are expected to be cautious when creating and sharing content that could have an adverse impact on children or may not be suitable for certain age groups.


Grievance Redressal Mechanism

The guidelines introduce a grievance redressal mechanism to address complaints and concerns related to influencer activities. Influencers will need to establish a robust system for addressing grievances from their followers, and any complaints filed against them will be reviewed and addressed by appropriate authorities.


Collaboration with Brands and Organizations

Influencers are encouraged to collaborate with recognized brands and organizations that adhere to ethical practices. They are expected to exercise discretion while endorsing products or services, ensuring that their association aligns with the values and interests of their followers.


These new guidelines for social media influencers in India aim to strike a balance between promoting creativity, entrepreneurship, and responsible online behavior. By implementing these regulations, the government aims to safeguard consumer interests, maintain the credibility of influencers, and foster a transparent and trustworthy digital ecosystem in the country. Influencers are advised to familiarize themselves with the guidelines and adapt their practices accordingly to avoid potential penalties or legal consequences.

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