Getting to the Root of Health Problems

Posted by Blissful Wellness
Feb 19, 2014


Many people today are shocked and confused about why Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are affecting their loved ones. Now 2.6 million people in the United States have Alzheimer’s. What science is finding is that both of these diseases, many other neurodegenerative diseases and various health problems are the result of diet. Alzheimer’s actually displays the same symptoms of inflammation as the rest of the body does, only in the brain.

To understand a little further, there is a process in the body called glycation that causes sugars to bind to proteins when the blood sugar level is mildly elevated. When this happens, it results in inflammation and free radical production. This brings up a very important question about lifestyle and macronutrient balance in the diet. It is absolutely fundamental that the diet be balanced with high healthy fats, proteins and low whole carbohydrates. The high carbohydrate diet has only been adopted in the past century or two and is not faring well for our bodies.

Young woman with measuring scale

Now, some people may turn away when advised to consume fats more than carbohydrates, but there is a method to the seeming madness. The cell membranes in the human body, which are wall-like structures of each cell, are made of fats. Therefore, the types of fats that are consumed, construct cells in all of the body cells including those in the brain. The fats that deserve to be turned away from are those that have been highly modified and are made to endure long shelf-lives. These fats damage the brain and cell membranes. However, healthy fats found in natural sources like grass-fed beef, fish, avocadoes, nuts and seeds are very beneficial to the entire body. 

When comparing people who have followed a low-carb versus low-fat diet, low-carb delivered better results for healthy cholesterol levels, long-term weight loss and importantly, decreased inflammation markers called c-reactive proteins. That inflammation is what causes Alzheimer’s and brain degenerating diseases. Now, when examining the culprits for inflammation, we must address that 20% of total caloric intake in the world today comes from wheat. Wheat that makes up the bread and pastas which are almost purely carbohydrate. Gluten, being present in all wheat products, is slowly being identified as a problem for many people. Patients are reporting headaches, ADHD, depression, dementia and some cases of schizophrenia who also are found to have a gluten intolerance. Many of these symptoms are treated without ever looking at changing the underlying diet.

It is commonly, and mistakingly, assumed that only those patients who have problems in their gut are suffering from a gluten sensitivity and need to try a gluten-free diet. That is however showing not to be the case according to modern scientific studies. A person’s body can be undergoing extensive inflammation and damaging the brain without damaging the gut. The problem only intensifies when it affects the gut because gluten is actually making the intestine more permeable which is resulting in proteins that normally wouldn’t be able to pass into the blood, able to pass through. This causes an increased burden on the immune system. Doctors propose that this challenging of the immune system opens the door for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, along with cancer. Gluten sensitivity which is commonly thought to affect those with celiac disease, may indeed affect 100% of people on this planet to varying degrees.

The good news is that the damage done by gluten to the system is reversible. In a study conducted by Integrative Medicine in April of 2013, a man who had been on heavy medication for years for his headaches underwent testing for sensitivities. He showed positive for


Main Idea:Our purposes today are to tell you that, “Look, any number of brain issues, neurologic issues, can possibly be related to gluten sensitivity. And, again, keep an open mind because the data is really starting to explode, and people are really starting to publish these case reports of dramatic improvements in things related to the brain in people who’ve gone gluten-free.

Human History and Diet

-natural increase of sugar in spring and summer

-everyone has a sweet tooth

-low carb diet for all of history

-Paleo diet

-recent changes

High Carb/Low Fat Diets vs Low Carb/ High Fat Diets

-why they are encouraged

-how they work/ don’t work

The Truth About Fats

-Good and Bad Qualities


Mainstream Medical Disconnect

-media beliefs are not based on the facts


“This is hugely cost-effective because we’re not using the drugs, we’re making dietary

changes. And, because it’s not drug-centered we’re not going to hear about it so much.

Dr. Jerry Avorn from Harvard many years ago actually published this in Consumer

Reports as I recall. And, he did a study trying [55:00] to determine where is it that

physicians get their information when they read a medical journal. And, he found that

more than 70% of that information comes from the advertisements. “

Gluten- “Biological Door to Inflammation, Autoimmunity, and Cancer”

-neurological problem relations “Grain Brain”

-how gluten effects the intestine and immune system


-healing the gut with no gluten, probiotics and glutamine

-testing hits and misses

Gluten in the Body

-What it really doesas it is digested.

Inflammation and Brain Health

-what it is

-why it happens

Long Term Consequences



-Coronary Artery Disease

-cerebellar ataxia

-Our purposes today are to tell

 “Look, any number of brain issues, neurologic issues, can possibly be related to gluten sensitivity. And, again, keep an open mind because the data is really starting to explode, and people are really starting to publish these case reports of dramatic improvements in things related to the brain in people who’ve gone gluten-free.”


The importance of physicians and patients understanding the far reaching health implications of diet. Treating the actual root cause of illnesses, not symptoms.

For more information please visit: Hormone therapy diet.


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