Get These Simple Hacks Successful Web Development In 2019

Jan 2, 2019

This article will discuss some of the essential hacks to make sure that your website doesn’t fade out amidst a lot of classy-looking and functional websites.

While there is an unexpected number of open-source PHP frameworks aiding businesses to come up with far-reaching web applications, Laravel seems to be the favourite of all. It is because the framework being versatile, flexible and rich in features gives ample scopes to the Laravel programmer to build websites that are in line with the client’s specific requirements. Also, the more professional a website looks, the more impressive it is to the visitors and they seem to see huge potential in it in providing them with the service they want. Subsequently, making a website look professional is the first key to success if you want it to mark your business’s presence online.

However, it’s even better when you follow the simple hacks described below besides choosing a convenient PHP framework. So, if you want your website or web application to be a captivating journey to the users and get a higher position in SERP results, then adhere to these.

Easy navigation is the key

Navigation can make or break your website, so be carefully developing a site with seamless and clear-cut navigation. To avoid any visitor to keep wandering on your site, get it done with solid navigation hacks like mega-menu on the header or top side, apparent search box in the top-middle or top-right, logo linked to the homepage, use of anchor menu (for long-scrolling sites) and footer with crucial links (like FAQ, contacts)

Homepage has to be simplistically build

People seldom go through every content on a web page. They mostly go through the images, highlighted words, titles or heading and what are clickable options to quickly get their purpose fulfilled. Thus, make sure your homepage is least cluttered with too many sections and unnecessary content. While keeping relevant text with keywords and CTAs (Call-to-actions) is necessary, you also need to keep important information with subheadings and precise paragraphs.

Making the site mobile friendly

Don’t forget that this era lives on mobile phones! While more than half of website visitors arrive through mobile search, the percentage will get bigger in 2019. So, ask your web development partner or PHP programmer to deliberately prepare your website or app for the mobile world by creating its mobile-friendly version.

Creating the website by following a visual hierarchy

You need to get in mind a clear hierarchy to all the information you are providing on the website.  It will only help the audience to get a smooth flow of content and perceive well what you want to explain. A great way to establish visual hierarchy is using design elements like full-width strips, welcome presets, service presets and parallax scrolling.

Maintaining readability of the content

What’s the use of putting content which cannot be easily read or understand? “Readability’’ of the website or application determines how efficiently visitors can scroll through your site. Indirectly, it determines the traffic and session time of each visitor. Complicated content can drive them away immediately, raising your website’s bounce rate.  readability is vital to keep your website position in the search engine rankings.

Get ahead in this new year with these easy web development tips to ensure that your website stands out from the rest. However, it’s the duty of your hired PHP developer to stay updated with the ongoing trends and implement those brilliantly to craft a dynamic website or application for your specific business.

Jonathan Paul is an adept Laravel programmer at PHPProgrammers, a well-versed and competent IT solutions firm that provides robust websites, web applications and eCommerce solutions to companies in Australia and over the world. He has a keen interest in what’s happening in the web technology and likes to make others aware of the same with his stories.

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