Get Powerful New Ketamine Therapy For Chronic Pain & Depression In Bellevue, WA

Posted by PRC Agency
Apr 21, 2022
Get Powerful New Ketamine Therapy For Chronic Pain & Depression In Bellevue, WA

It’s an approach that has the medical community buzzing. The practice has actually been using ketamine for conscious sedation for some time. Given its extremely promising results for treating pain and depression, you are now offered a powerful alternative that may just be the answer you’ve been looking for.

It is now widely reported that rates of depression in the US are increasing, and the social isolation imposed during the pandemic only served to exacerbate the issue for many of us. Following in-depth research and formal training, Interventional Orthopedics of Washington has launched ketamine therapy as a safe alternative approach to treating this terrible affliction.

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So, what is ketamine? Is it safe? Ketamine is approved by the FDA as a general anesthetic, owing to its sedative and pain elimination properties. However, as studies conducted by the Mayo Clinic have shown, low-dose Ketamine therapy can also have rapid-acting antidepressant properties and provide pain relief. When administered at low doses and supervised by a professional, it is also very safe.

Indeed, Interventional Orthopedics of Washington states that pain and depression can be interlinked, with one often contributing to the other. If you’re in pain, you will feel down. If you feel down, your pain often feels much worse. Given its ability to address both factors, the clinic’s recent introduction of ketamine therapy is expected to greatly improve your quality of life.

So, who is it for? If you suffer from chronic pain and/or mental health concerns that are resistant to other forms of treatment, then ketamine therapy may be the ideal solution. Disorders that the program can assist with include depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic migraines.

About Interventional Orthopedics of Washington

Led by Dr. Otono Silva, MD, Interventional Orthopedics of Washington uses evidence-based approaches to help treat pain while reducing the use of anti-inflammatory medications, opiate medicines, and cortisone injections. The practice investigates causal factors that lead to joint degeneration and formulates personalized treatment plans.

One local physician recently stated: “I am also a local physician that offers regenerative injection therapies in the area. Dr. Silva is an amazing doc that I refer to for all things related to the spine, which is an area I do not treat. I also refer to him for second opinions when I have a complicated hip, knee, ankle, or shoulder case. I also brought my own mother to him after she had complications from a knee replacement.”

If you suffer from chronic pain and/or mental health issues, Interventional Orthopedics of Washington may have the solution!

See how they can help you today. Click on so you can learn more.

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