Four Most Commonly Replaced Car Parts

Posted by Kevin Smith
Mar 28, 2020

Car maintenance involves changing certain parts that were damaged due to normal wear and tear. Replacing them may seem costly or unnecessary, but it can help prevent serious mechanical issues.


As a car owner, one of your responsibilities is to check every part of your vehicle and make sure it's in good condition. To help you out, here are some of the most commonly replaced components and when to change them.


As car batteries age, their performance suffers, and the risk of breaking down increases. When this happens while on the road, your vehicle will likely need to be jumpstarted to get going.


Some of the most common reasons batteries malfunction are acid stratification and low charge. It may also be due to poor driving habits, such as leaving the air conditioner and lights on when the car isn't started.


Taking short trips can also affect the performance of your battery because it's not given enough time to get fully charged. To be on the safe side, drive around for about 10 minutes before stopping to allow it to recharge.


So, how often should you change the battery? It's recommended to replace it every 4-5 years. You should also check it every and now and then for dirty terminals, damaged cables, and severe defects.

Brake Rotors

Rotors help keep the brake system from overheating while the car is in use. But, after some time, friction from the pads and calipers can cause them to become less efficient. If they're too worn down, your car may experience brake failure.


Watch out for scraping sounds and vibrations coming from the braking system. When you notice these warning signs, it means you need to get a rotor replacement.

Spark Plugs

If you're having trouble starting your car, it might mean that it's time to get new spark plugs. Other indications that they need to be replaced include slow acceleration, rough idling, and engine misfiring or surging.


Replacing spark plugs is an inexpensive task that you can do on your own. But, be sure to check your car's manual to locate the plugs and search for any visible wear and tear. 


Fuses are designed to prevent system overloads. Your car has likely blown one if you're experiencing problems with your windshield wipers, flashers, heater, and other essential car instruments.


To confirm if this is the issue, locate the box and replace the blown component. You might need to check the car's manual, but it's usually found under the steering column.


Ultimately, you can maintain the safe, reliable operation of your car by checking its parts regularly. If replacements are in order, you can always find what you need at specialized shops for auto parts and salvage in Florida.

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