Five Tips to Boost Your Ranking in Search Engines

Posted by Alex U.
Nov 17, 2022

The online business is very competitive these days. No matter which niches you are working on, there are endless competitors who are trying hard to overcome competition and improve their business. In such a competitive market, being seen by users more than other market participants is the most important building block of your success. 

We, through this article, will go through the tips that would help your businesses to rank higher on major search engines and in particular Google.

SEO as the Gold Standard

In general, SEO is the Gold Standard, when it comes to improving websites’ ranking on Google. SEO refers to best practices, techniques and tactics, in order to make a website visible by users and direct quality traffic into a website. Let’s have a quick look at the most valuable tips to enhance a website’s SEO

  1. Website Speed

Internet users don’t wait more than two/three seconds for a website to be loaded completely. Your website speed refers to the time it takes for your main page and other pages of your website to be displayed on the user’s screen. There are multiple quality techniques to improve a website’s speed such as using CDN, improving host service and a lot more. A slow loading website will end up with a higher-than-average bounce rate which leads to a poor rank on search engines.

  1. Strategic Keywords

Choosing the right keywords that work best for a website is an absolute need for a better rank on search engines. Almost all users, when looking for something on the internet, use relevant keywords to find what they are after. Hence, the more similar your strategic keyword is to the searched keywords, the more traffic you will get into your website. Hence, you must work with experienced SEO consultants to create the best strategic keywords that suit your business best.

  1. Quality Content

Updating your website with quality and informative content would add great value to your website. Firstly, your strategic keywords must be placed in an informative content which is relevant to your business. More importantly, providing informative content on a regular basis will make users stay longer on your website and keep visiting your website regularly for new information and content. Your website with quality content will get more traffic and consequently higher session duration and CTR. All these elements improve your ranking on search engine result pages.

  1. Mobile Responsive

Smartphones are very popular these days. This is mainly due to the people’s increasing intention to get all their daily tasks done by using their smartphones. Likewise, internet users mostly use their mobile phones to look for information on the internet or to buy a product or service. Therefore, your website must be displayed on mobile phones perfectly, as the majority of visitors would instantly leave a website that is not mobile responsive. There are many advantages associated with a mobile responsive website such as increasing your website’s CTR, Conversion Rate and Session Duration and as you already know, any improvement in such factors, would result in a higher rank on search engines. 

  1. UI/UX Design

UI/UX stand for user interface and user experience which is the most important part of a SEO plan. UI or user interface refers to the user-friendliness of a website and how easy users are able to navigate through a website and find their required content or product. The more convenience visitors feel when interacting with your website, the better conversion rate your website will have and consequently a higher rank for your website on Google and other major search engines.

UX or user experience is pretty much about how a website is able to identify and solve a user's problem and fulfill the user’s needs. In other words, UX refers to how users feel about the entire website and its ability to solve their problems or fulfill their needs. 

Improving UI and UX design will lead to better user experience which is one of the most important building blocks for a high ranking website.

How to improve your website ranking

As a summary, ranking high on SERPs is the most important goal that all online businesses are eager to achieve. Like outlined above, SEO is the gold standard to rank higher on SERPs. To implement SEO standards on your website, you must be working with a professional digital marketing firm with a track record of success, so you can ensure the quality of your SEO project.

As a business owner, and the person who is supposed to spend money on a SEO project, you must be vey careful when choosing your SEO consultant. You should keep in mind that by failing to choose the right SEO consultant, you will end up with a website that can not be seen by internet users, so your money and time is wasted and more importantly, your whole business would be at risk!

There are good reputable digital marketing service providers in the market that you can work with. However, we would like to introduce one of the best web design and digital marketing service providers in Dubai, to make things easier for you.

Websima DMCC as a reputable firm with more than 10 years of market presence and proven track record of delivery of a wide range of quality projects is one the best companies you can work with. Websima DMCC enjoys a professional and talented team of web designers, UI/UX designers and SEO consultants. They have delivered many successful projects to big names in the market, so you can rest assured of the quality of your project, if you choose to work with them. 

You may ask for a free consultation meeting, so you will have the opportunity to meet the team as well as discussing your project and they will get back to you shortly with an offer that suits your needs perfectly.

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