Find The Best Guard Dog Breeds For Families With Children

Posted by Kindery Mills
Jul 3, 2019

Undoubtedly, all protection dogs are selfless guards. They will always be ready to sacrifice themselves to protect you and your family. They will use all their abilities, strength, resources, and intelligence to deal with threats. So, if the security of your home worries you then you must consider adopting a protection dog. However, there are a few things that you must ponder over. Bringing home a protection dog is an excellent idea, but they have to adjust with children. These canines tend to be robust, willful, and vicious too. Without proper training, it will be risky to let these animals prowl around inside a house where there are children.

  1. The German Shepherd: It is of the utmost importance that you adopt the right protection dog for children. Training may not be the only factor for you to consider. German Shepherds are hands-down, the Best guard dogs that you will ever come across. Teaching them to mix with children is relatively simple. They are fearless and smart and exceptionally adorable. Children will love being with a German Shepherd, and you can be sure about the safety of your kids.
  2. The Akita: Do you have babies or small children at home? Then you must bring home an Akita. These dogs are excellent nannies, and they rank high on the list of Best guard dogs. An Akita is a massive animal with strong protective instincts. It investigates discrepancies silently, unlike most other dogs. The only problem with an Akita is that it tends to stay independent. This issue can prove to be quite dangerous with a dog of its size. However, if you can train it properly, then you won’t face any problems.
  3. The Collie: Collies became famous when a Hollywood movie introduced this breed to the people. Every dog lover in this world, mainly the Americans adore this creature. They are lovable pets and devoted guard dogs too. There are some differences between a guard dog and a watchdog. You can compare a guard dog to a soldier and a watchdog to a scout. Since Collies are intelligent, you can train them. Their loud barking should be enough to inform you of any impending danger. However, Collies are better at being watchdogs than guard dogs.
  4. The Great Dane: This dog looks vicious but profoundly gentle. These dogs are perfect partners in crime for children. Great Danes have a sneaky habit of lurking around inside the house. It means that the dog won’t mind if you don’t spend much time with them. However, you should never leave any pet animal alone for extended periods. A Great Dane’s menacing appearance and loud barking should be enough to drive away all trespassers. Great Danes are what you need if you are seeking a guard dog without excessive aggression.
  5. The Airedale Terrier: Terriers aren’t exactly protection dogs, but the Airedale Terrier is. It is the largest and the most energetic among Terriers. The dog has an elegant visage, and they are self-confident. Their smartness allows you to train them comfortably. However, such a dog requires both mental and physical stimulation. You shouldn’t allow it to spend hours lying on a couch.

The right choice

If you live alone or if the members of your family are grown-ups, then you can choose an ideal guard dog. Otherwise, it is wise to adopt an animal which isn’t overtly menacing and vicious. You shouldn’t let such a dog hang around children. They tend to get playful with dogs. A menacing canine may end up hurting a child. Therefore, it is wise to select a dog with more brains than brawn. Or, you can consider adopting a pup. By the time it grows up, your children will get mature enough to handle the dog.


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