Find a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Rehab Center in Arizona

Posted by Ella Wilson
Jan 16, 2018
Admitting you have a problem is hard, but it's the adult way to approach detox and rehab. You may not have hit rock bottom, but you shouldn't have to have a disaster on your hands to get the care you need. Think of rehab as your parachute, and that once you get safely back on the ground, you can get your life back in order.  Looking for a drug rehab in Arizona isn't hard, but finding one that's the right fit for you can be. Each addicted person is different, and while a number of approaches to rehabilitation are similar, each person's response and needs will be different.

What Do You Need?

Typically, any assessment for addiction has several components - the medical, the psychological/psychiatric, and detox. Why? Let's break it down.

  1. Medical: Addicted persons often have comorbid medical issues that must be taken into account. These include metabolic disorders, cardiac issues, and even contagious pathogens such as HIV, tuberculosis, and hepatitis viruses. This is for the safety of the patient as well as the staff.

  2. Psychological/Psychiatric: Many addicted persons have comorbidities such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and personality disorders that must be taken into account if treatment and rehab is going to be successful.

  3. Detox: This is the part of treatment that is concerned about easing the addicted person away from their substances of choice. Often, there is more than once substance at issue, for instance alcohol and cocaine or prescription drugs. Detoxing is a medical treatment, with the main concern being the patient's comfort and health. Uncontrolled detox - going 'cold turkey' - can result in seizures, hallucinations, psychosis, and even death.

After assessment and detox, the next phase addresses treatment, again with three parts.

  • Therapy: There are a variety of talk therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy designed to get at the heart of the issues related to addiction, and to modify the behaviors. Most of all, therapy is designed to give the addicted person a deeper understanding of themselves.

  • Support: Talking with other addicted persons who are moving through their own recoveries and sharing experiences is an important part of recovery. Whether this is done as a part of a 12 Step group is up to the individual, with some feeling that the 12 Step method does not adequately reflect the status of addiction as a brain disease instead of a moral failing, nor does it take into account genuine harm experienced by survivors of abuse.

  • Counseling: Even after completing rehab, professional counseling and therapy can benefit those trying to live a sober life. Issues are not resolved in 30 days, nor 60 or 90. Counseling helps to guide the person after rehab, with an eye to rejoining the world and maintaining sobriety.
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