Fetal Health Check Scan During Corona: What Peterborough Ladies Say

Posted by Olivia Clare
Jun 29, 2020

Coronavirus outbreak has disrupted many services sector in the UK. We are living in difficult times.

Ultrasound baby scanning services providers in Peterborough are nonetheless offering fetal health check scans to the expecting mothers even during this pandemic outbreak. Since it is the pandemic time, it’s interesting to know what precautions baby scan clinics in Peterborough are taking to fight against this novel virus.  

Let’s know what expecting ladies in Peterborough have to say about their fetal health check scan experiences during Corona outbreak.

Mrs Price: “One word to define my fetal health check scan experience during this pandemic crisis – Amazing! The baby scan clinic I went to was one of the best as the staff maintained their professionalism even during this unpalatable situation. Due to Corona, there was no crowd which I’m thankful for and everything was squeaky clean inside the clinic. Hygiene has surely become the new normal due to this virus outbreak”.

Mrs Chapman: “When I went to the ultrasound clinic for my regular sonography, I was offered hand sanitizer and a face mask by one of the clinic staff. I accepted it and the scan was conducted just like any other normal day. So, the only difference was the usage of face masks and PPE kit, I guess we have to accept this change”.

Mrs Goody: “To be honest I didn’t wanna go to the ultrasound baby scan clinic due to Corona but my gynae informed me that she needs my baby’s well-being report to determine the prognosis of my pregnancy – I’m carrying twins so my pregnancy is more complicated. I chose an ultrasound baby scan clinic that considered hygiene to be supreme and I found Window to the Womb Peterborough. The care for hygiene in that clinic is truly impressive. Every scan assistant and the technician was having his or her own PPE and as soon as I left the scan room, the housekeeping staff started disinfecting the room. They provided hand rubs to all the mothers and their attendants. My scan was conducted professionally and properly. I believe there’s nothing to fear anymore”.

Mrs Lightfoot: “I’m in the third trimester of my pregnancy and needed an ultrasound scan to know my baby’s whereabouts. As we have so many COVID-19 cases in the UK, I was frightened to go out even for a medical emergency. But fear is no answer, so I took plenty of precautions before visiting my baby scan clinic. I wore an N5 face mask and carried an 85% alcohol hand rub to the clinic. As soon as my scan session was over, I immediately went to my car to get back home. After I returned home, I threw my clothes into the laundry basket and took a shower to clean myself. I might sound paranoid but this is serious”. 

Mrs Unsworth: “I went to my nearest baby scan clinic for a fetal anomaly scan. My scan reports were normal and the clinical staff were extra cooperative during this COVID-19 time”. 

So that’s what Peterborough mothers have to say about their fetal health scan during Coronavirus. Times have changed so we need to accept the new normal – physical distancing and hygiene. To book your next fetal health check scan, click on Peterborough Ultrasound Baby Scan Clinic

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