expanding to include original Xbox E3

Posted by Hui Fang
Jul 12, 2017
Compatibility program on Xbox One, they've added 385 titles.From Red Dead Redemption to Call of Duty Black Ops 2.But now,  Madden NFL 18 Coins they're taking it a step further by adding original Xbox games to the catalogue.Exciting!Support for original Xbox games had been muted for some time and the service will arrive later this year.More details to follow. BackwardCompatibility is expanding to include original Xbox E3

2017 Update 7It's been a long time coming and Microsoft has now finally revealed Crackdown 3 complete with all round nice guy Buy Madden NFL 18 Coins  Overwatch fan and beefy shouty man Terry Crews.It looks good fun too and will be a launch title for Xbox One X this November, releasing on November 7.We particularly like the bit when they lobbed

the car at the bad guys.Take a look at the official trailer just below the description:"Xbox One and Windows 10 exclusive. CRACKDOWN 3 OFFICIAL E3 2017 TRAILER. Step up your BOOM! Suit up and throw down as a superpowered agent on a mission to take back the city. Terry Crews as Commander Jaxon wants you to join in on the open world mayhem, dropping November 7, 2017. WELCOMETOhttps://www.maddenvip.com/
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