Enterprise Mobile Apps: Tips to Boost Security

Posted by Tech Geekk
Mar 19, 2021
As businesses across the board continue to evolve into increasingly complex endeavors, we have come to rely considerably on one thing in particular: Technology. This is understandable, though — after all, technology has eased our lives considerably. Now, of course, this transition and positive change have been brought about by a collective of advanced tools and solutions. And while each of these countless solutions has offered immense value, the fact remains that there is one name that has carved quite a niche for itself in the market: Enterprise mobile apps. What are they, however? Well, they are apps created specifically for one company.

To what end, you ask? The answer is simple: To help the company’s employees execute specific tasks and functions to keep the business running. Of course, the use of enterprise mobile apps means using various mobile devices, especially smartphones, that typically remain in the custody of the employee as long as they are employed with the organization. To cut a long story short, while enterprise mobile apps have proven to be helpful, the fact remains that they also expose the company to many risks. And these risks one must deal with at all costs; the question is how? Worry not, here are some tips that will help you safeguard your enterprise mobile apps posed by the digital realm.

  1. App distribution store: The distribution medium you use for your app is also vital to the cause of security. So, we recommend you opt for the latter between public and enterprise app stores since it limits the information stored and strives to keep the data as safeguarded as possible. How? By restricting the number of downloads, it ensures only authorized people can access it.
  2. Watch out for vulnerabilities in the OS and framework: Before you kick off the development project, experts recommend that you also carefully evaluate the vulnerabilities of both the framework as well as the OS you may be inclined to choose. This will offer insights about how and where your app could be vulnerable and how to address said issues. Or, you could also opt for solutions that are not vulnerable or are the least susceptible.
  3. Testing: This one may seem a tad redundant to mention, but testing an app for security issues still finds mention on this list based on just how important it is. So, how does one go about testing an app for security issues? Two ways: One is the Static Application Security Test (SAST) and the other is the Dynamic Application Security Test (DAST). It would be ideal to start testing as early on during the development process as possible. It will help you adapt your code and address vulnerabilities much more quickly.
  4. Use robust encryption methods: Thanks to the continued influx of risks and threats in the digital world, experts have developed substantially better encryption methods. In the specific context of enterprise app security, it would be advisable to use techniques such as 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard symmetric-key algorithm standards for data storage.

These are some of the many ways in which you can boost your app’s security levels. Even better would be to find a reliable enterprise mobile app development company that can help you figure out exactly how to protect your enterprise app as well as your business interests.
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