Enhance Facial Aesthetics with Dermal Fillers

Mar 5, 2024

A dull face filled with acne, scars, wrinkles, and dark under-eye circles is embarrassing and a sign of ageing. Such skin tone, texture, and glow are irreversible through makeup, home remedies, cosmetics creams, or oral medication suggested by a pharmacist. So, how can someone regain the lost facial beauty, Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan- one of the leading plastic surgeons has answered through this article. So read the article and learn how to enhance your facial profile with dermal fillers in Hyderabad.

What are Fillers?

Fillers are a popular non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment. In this treatment, injections of natural or synthetic materials such as hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, and poly-L-lactic acid are used to enhance the facial charm. Through injections, these synthetic and natural substances penetrate the dermal layer and add volume to the skin, smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, and restore youthful contours to the face.

Advantages of Dermal Fillers

  • These injections enhance the facial volume, treat facial wrinkles and creases, and soften fine lines
  • It is an effective treatment for uneven facial contours and facial asymmetries
  • Dermal fillers enhance the malar zones and raise flat cheekbones
  • Non-invasive fillers elongate the lip line and vermillion border, giving lips more fullness.
  • It is an effective, less invasive technique with minimal downtime to contour the jawline.
  • Dermal fillers help suppress the scars.
  • It enhances skin moisture and texture effectively.
  • Fillers are beneficial for treating under-eye hollowness without surgery.

Type of Dermal Fillers Facial Aesthetic Enhancement

A common cause of facial dullness, sagging skin, and wrinkles is the deficiency of adequate acid, minerals, and hormones in one’s facial area. Hence there are three types of fillers that are widely used for facial aesthetic correctness. These are as mentioned below:

  1. Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance. Its role in one’s body is to keep the body hydrating and plumping. Deficiency of this natural substance caused by hormonal imbalance, aging, and an unhealthy lifestyle is common. The deficiency of hyaluronic acid can be externally fulfilled through dermal fillers. To do so, specialists examine the level of hyaluronic acid deficiency and induce natural or synthetic forms of hyaluronic acid through injections. 

  1. Poly L Lactic Acid

Collagen is a protein structure in the human body. This essential structure led by Poly L Lactic Acid keeps skin tone and texture natural and disease free. In wake collagen, pigmentation, dryness, and cracks on the skin are common. Poly L Lactic Acid dermal fillers effectively manage them and repair the skin damage by inducing Poly L Lactic Acid through injections. Poly L Lactic Acid fillers level up the skin's collagen production and repair deep cheek or facial creases.

  1. Calcium Hydroxylapatite

CaHA dermal fillers are commonly used to treat deeper wrinkles and folds, such as the nasolabial folds (the lines that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth) and marionette lines- these are the lines from one’s corner of the mouth to the chin. They can also be used to add volume to the cheeks and other areas of the face.

The Procedure of Dermal Filler for Facial Aesthetic Enhancement

The doctor starts the procedure with an individual's facial examination. They determine the candidate's skin type and check for any allergies the candidate may have. After this medical examination, skin doctors use markings on facial objects to treat and take photos of them. On the basis of the patient's consent, they further process the treatment and clean the marked facial object for dermal fillers.

They numb the area with a numbing cream for 30 to 45 minutes. After that, very small aliquots of filler would be injected into the target area, and each injection would be monitored. Anaesthetic substances are included in some fillers to lessen the discomfort of injections. Injections of filler produce immediate effects that improve over the following few days.

Facial Points Treated Through Dermal Fillers

  • Eye area
  • Cheek Augmentation
  • Lips and lip line definition
  • Wrinkles and deep frown lines
  • Neckline area
  • Liquid facelift 
  • Non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Recovery and Outcome from Facial Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers reduce anti-ageing signs and help one regain a youthful look. But to achieve that, candidates are advised to follow the doctor’s instructions during the recovery tenure, which are as given below:

  • Don’t go out in sunlight; if necessary, keep the face covered with a cotton cloth and mask and use only the doctor’s prescribed sunscreen.
  • Avoid hot showers and use cosmetics without consulting the doctor.
  • Stay positive and realistic with treatment.
  • Stay hydrated and avoid sweat-releasing exercises.
  • Sleep in an upward direction after the procedure.

Dermal fillers produce immediate results, but these are biodegradable and hence gradually reabsorbed or broken down by the body's enzymes. Injections of fillers produce benefits that last for nine months to two years.

Side Effects of Dermal Filler Treatment

Dermal fillers are a medical procedure with minimal and short-term downtime. After dermal filler, one can experience allergic eruptions, infections, nodules and lumps, asymmetry, skin necrosis, bleeding from the injection site, blockage of arteries, or baldness. But by getting the dermal performed by an expert one can prevent such major issues. 

Cost of Facial Dermal Fillers in Hyderabad 

The cost of Dermal fillers depends upon various factors like body area to treat, type of fillers, doctor's experiences, and many. Based on the facial part cost of dermal fillers in Hyderabad is below:-

  • The range of Lip Dermal Fillers in the town is 15,000-30,000 INR
  • Under Eye Area 25,000- 35,000 INR
  • Cheek augmentation 35,000 - 70,000 INR
  • Jawline fillers 35,000- 75,000 INR
  • Chin fillers can range from – 35,000 - 70,000 INR
  • Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 20,000- 40,000.INR

Facial rejuvenation and hydration with hyaluronic acid injections can range from- 30,000- 40,000 INR.

One looking for effective and affordable facial dermal filler treatment can consult with Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan- the best plastic surgeon in Hyderabad to know more!

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