Efficacy of the Ayurveda Medicine

Posted by Riya Sen
Sep 15, 2017
Ayurvedic medicine is the system of the medicine with the Indian historical medical techniques. Global practices derived Ayurveda is the type of complementary or alternative medicine. Ayurveda therapy and medicine generally involved as to the various type of the health and wellness applications. This therapy basically depends on the combination of the herbals, minerals and other metal substance. Sushruta Samhita is the best known Ayurvedic book that covers the benefits and lot of useful techniques.

Ancient Ayurveda is also text about the difficult surgical procedure, including kidney stone exertions, and other foreign objects also. This is a well-known technique in India for public health development. This is also divided into eight canonical components. Ayurvedic practitioners also developed so many techniques in the area of surgical procedures from the compare to the beginning. The central idea of the Ayurvedic medicine is that to maintain the balance of the body. Plant treatment also derived from the roots, leafs and fruits and seeds. Animals are also including in the procedure of the medicine like as milk, bones, gallstones and much more other things. This includes the three types of body parts vatta, pitta and Kapha. Alcohol is also used for maintaining the body but into a right quantity, the sedative and pain relieving therapy is not included into the Ayurveda medicine.

This is the world oldest health system for improving the health of people from the disease. The Ayurvedic book also explains so many difficult techniques for maintaining the health system of the body. Ayurvedic is not a type of the medicine it’s also a culture of the Indian people. A survey explains that 80% of the Indian are comfortable in the traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Although laboratory also proof that ayurvedic medicine is also useful in some cases for developing health properly. Some agencies also say that it’s not effective in complex disease treatment like as cancer. It can give relief into some kind of pain other normal problems. And results of the heart diesis problem is also not convincing as the new modern techniques have. Metals are also helpful to develop the health from the heavy metals like as mercury, and other heavy materials. But there is a huge gap between the modern medical technology and Ayurveda. The most promising point of this medical technology is that this is not harmful in most cases. It has so much fewer side effects from the other type of categories.  This is mainly focused on the small type of disease like as a cough, fever, pain and other much more. But its results are not so much good in case of the difficult disease like as surgery, cancer and similar to others.
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