Effective Migraine Treatments and Tips To Combat Migraines

Posted by Shawn William
Jan 16, 2022

Migraines are a tough condition to live with. When it comes to treatment, there are a variety of methods that can be taken. Some of the most effective treatments for migraines include certain dietary changes, certain meditations and activities, and posture changes. Here are some tips to help you combat migraines in your life using professional Surgical Migraine Clinic service.


What does a migraine feel like?

Everyone knows a migraine. However, many don't know exactly what a migraine is or how it feels. A migraine is a complex disorder that can affect your head, neck, and sometimes even your eyes and face. It consists of four phases: prodrome, aura, headache phase, and postdrome.

Prodrome is the pre-headache phase that's typically characterized by mild symptoms of lightheadedness or an altered sense of smell. The aura is the visible part of the migraine where you see flashes of lights or experience temporary blindness. The headache phase is when the pain starts to overwhelm you and may last from several minutes to hours. Finally, the postdrome phase is when you're finally able to relax again and feel relief from symptoms for a short period before they start up again soon after.


Tips for finding relief in the moment

Unfortunately, most of the time migraines are an inescapable condition. But there are some things you can do to help ease some of the pain and discomfort that you might experience when it strikes.

One thing that can be helpful is to take a few steps back from your computer. If you're home and you have a computer, consider taking it outside for a walk or a run. This will get your mind off of what's happening in your head and allow your body to relax. The change in scenery may also help make the migraine feel less severe.

Another thing that could help is to take a shower or soak in a tub with Epsom salt water. These methods not only bring relief by relaxing the muscles, but they can also help draw out some of the chemicals that trigger migraines--especially if you've been experiencing them on consecutive days or weeks.


What are some effective treatments?

Dietary changes can help you fight migraines by preventing triggers from entering your body. Eating healthy, including a lot of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains is a good way to prevent migraines.

Certain meditations and activities also help prevent headaches. Yoga is one of the most effective practices for migraine relief. Studies have shown that yoga helps reduce symptoms in as few as six sessions.


How to prevent migraines

The first step in preventing migraines is to change your diet. Cutting out certain ingredients can help ease headaches and other symptoms of migraine. Some common food triggers for migraines include alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fatty foods.

In addition to diet changes, certain activities can increase the risk of getting a migraine. One thing you can do is avoid keeping your head bent over a work or computer screen for long periods of time. Also, try to avoid watching television or reading while lying down on your backā€”this puts pressure on the neck which increases the risk of developing a headache.



Migraines can be debilitating, but many sufferers can find relief in the moment. These tips can help you find relief in the moment and prevent migraines from occurring in the first place.

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