Dried Organic Goji Berries vs. Organic Goji Berry Juice

Posted by Ransi Plick
Oct 31, 2017

Goji Berries have earned the synonyms of ‘happy fruits’ and this is due to the fact that an intake of these fruits could uplift the depressed human moods. These small, red berries are one of the ancient fruits that have been extensively used in ancient Chinese Medicines and are still very much prevalent in the remedial industries. However, the berries are more often used in their commercial manifestations that occupy markets of all almost all countries of the world. Among these, the most popular incarnation exists in a liquid form, known as organic goji berry juice.

The Commercial Forms Of Goji Berries:

As mentioned above, Goji berries exists in a variety of commercial forms such as organic goji berry juice, organic goji berry capsules, goji powders, goji pills and dried goji berries. All these embodiments of organic goji berries were prepared to overcome the perishable nature of the fruits and deliver its benefits all over the world.

However, there is a constant hubbub on the authenticity of these commercials forms, where the people try to prove the better one among these. Dried goji berries and organic goji berry juice are almost equally popular and people are generally confused between the usages of these.

Which is better: Dried Goji Berries or Goji Berry Juice?

In order to determine the better one among the two commercial manifestations of goji berries, let us look at the points below:

·         As per the researches, the liquids are faster in action than the solids. Therefore, the organic goji berry juice could work faster in terms of providing nutrients to your body than the dries goji berries, especially if you are obsessed with digestive troubles.

·         However, it has been discovered that dried organic goji berries involve lesser expenses than the organic goji berry juice. Therefore, consumption of dried goji berries could be cheaper than buying its juice.

·         The act to drying goji berries could either be accomplished with the help of solar energy or electronic equipments. But since the solar drying of the berries could be a slower process, many companies prefer drying them with the help of electronic equipments. This could lead to a considerable loss of nutrients from the dried fruits.

·         There are all the possibilities of obtaining adulterated products with respect to organic goji berry juice, since it could contain artificial sweeteners, inorganic compounds and unfavorable foreign elements, besides water, to increase its taste and content. Drinking this kind of goji berry juice would only lead to many disorders in the body.

The above few points for and against the two products could well have lot of discrepancies depending upon the quality of products you obtain. However, whatever supplements you wish to inculcate in your daily usage, be careful of obtaining them from the most reliable sources to avoid any kinds of harmful effects to your body. Also, the prior consultation of a doctor would be an utmost assistance to your body, before you commence the consumption of any of these supplements. 

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