Diving Wetsuits Shopping Guide for Surfers

Posted by Eva Taylor
Jan 15, 2018
Water sports are cool things, isn’t it? They make you warm, they make you feel rejuvenated. But, one can only realize it when they actually experience the sports. It is definitely not for the people who hate water or do not love adventure either. But, we hardly know of anyone who doesn’t love any kind of adventure sports. If you haven’t tried your luck yet, the best time is now. There can never be any other time than this. Get your Diving Wetsuits on and stay enchanted forever. 

The more you have of it, the more you enjoy the sport. The International buying places offer you the best rates, designs, patterns, and quality. The first and foremost prerequisite is to find a great wetsuit that you can wear and feel comfortable in. A wetsuit should be a gear, that one must feel flexible and allow free bodily movements. Some people are into the sport but do not get specific equipment, accessory, and gear for the sport and as a result, they do not enjoy the sport. If you really want to enjoy your surfing or diving, get the wetsuits on.

How wetsuits benefit you?

Wetsuits are preferably for the people who spend time on oceans surfing, scuba diving or spearfishing. Once you are into the sport and you love doing it, then you cannot do without wetsuits either. Wetsuits can drastically improve the experiences you have as compared to normal gears.

1. A wetsuit does not drag water – Unlike, the general water gears that drag water into your gear, making you feel heavy and tired. Wetsuits are made of a special material called neoprene. Neoprene is smooth on your skin and helps to move in the water with ease.

2. Wetsuits help to keep warm – Wetsuits keep the body temperature in check; they warm the body by creating a layer of water between skin and neoprene.

3. Wetsuits make floating easy - Wetsuits help to keep one afloat in the water; with the wetsuit on, a person has a good swimming position that helps to stay on the surface.

4. Wetsuits help to use energy more efficiently – Wetsuits helps to swim more easily and efficiently. It doesn’t drag your energy against the water tide but helps the body to move swiftly towards the direction.

Check Fitting of the Wetsuit before You Buy

Wetsuits are available in different varieties, sizes and cuts, they are also made by different brands too. Hence, every matter counts while buying your wetsuits. The costlier ones may or may not give you utmost comfort, hence do not fall for the wetsuits just by looking at the expensive tag. Try your wetsuits several times before you finalize your decision of buying Diving Wetsuits.

After you try your wetsuits, make sure that there is enough space for you to breathe easily. Although they are made to be tight-necked, there has to be some space where you can stretch yourself enough to feel light. A well-fitted wetsuit will never restrict the body movements. Walk-in around with your wetsuit and feel if you have any discomfort with the gear.

Buy the best comfortable wetsuits:

There are several patterns that are available for the divers to select from. Some are meant exceptionally for diving or surfing since it requires protection from wild creatures under the sea. If the surfing or diving is under the deep waters, then you must try the perfect gear that is suitable for the same.

Wetsuit styles

a. Semi-dry suits – They are very similar to wetsuits that help to keep you warm under and above the water. They are made of impervious material and keep the water contact away from the body. Semi-dry suits are used for extreme conditions and not for surfing or diving.

b. Regular suits – Neoprene, that is used for making wetsuits have several grades, some are thick while some are thin. It all depends on the use that one needs it for. Thin grade neoprene is preferred for light shoulder region movements while the thick graded provides warmth to the region.

c. Heated wetsuits – There wetsuits come along with a heated device that warms the core through the entire water activity. Some of the heated suits come with extra two lithium-ion batteries for added warmth.

Different wetsuits come with their own unique features and each of them is designated for specific purposes depending on the geographical area you are in. Some sporting activity requires more shoulder movement, yet some require thickness to the material. Nearly all types of wetsuits have taped seams that make it easier to take off the wetsuit after the use. These are placed around the wrist and ankle zones.

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