Different Methods That Can Help You in Debt Collection

Posted by Andrew Thomas
Sep 3, 2021

In terms of bad debts or chasing debtors, businesses have to invest a lot of time and money and still, the results are not in their favour all the time. This is why mostly businesses straightaway seek services from contractors debt recovery agents and don’t want to waste their time at all. These professionals have streamlined process that they involve in debt recovery and apart from this, they also have different collection strategies to implement and deliver positive results to the clients. The most commonly used strategies are –

•  Personal Contact Either Face To Face Or Via The Telephone

•  Written Demand Requesting Payment

•  Negotiation

•  Use Of A Debt Collection Agency

•  Legal Action

And here in this article, we will cover the details related to some of them.


According to Australian debt recovery agents, collection of the outstanding and overdue amount should be on your daily schedule and something not look at only when the cash flow starts getting affected. This means early communication and constant communication with the debtors, as this might be very fruitful and address the issues like late payment and nom-payment. If the debt amount is big, you should not even mind meeting with the debtor at their office/home from time to time.

Written Demand

Debt recovery NSW agency experts believe this method as a really pressurising one in terms of debt collection. This method generally involves sending written notices to the debtor regarding the date of payment and overdue payment and so on. This written demand will involve sending the details of the debt and also the last date of payment along with an information on the consequences of missing the payment date. There should also be information on the methods through which you can accept payment both online as well as offline.

The Negotiation

The professionals of contractors debt recovery engage in this process in terms of bad or overdue debts or if there is some dispute in the mind of the debtor regarding the debt. In these situations, the Australian debt recovery agency experts meet the debtor to their office to discuss the dispute and resolve it. The option of negotiation is always "ON" because experts say that it is always beneficial to agree on a certain amount rather than keeping the payments or the case pending for long periods.

The Debt Collection Agency

If all the above mentioned processes are not as fruitful as anticipated, the next option is to seek the services from the Australian debt recovery agency. No matter how old or bad your debt is, the professionals from these agencies can be relied upon, but yes, they will charge for this. In a majority of cases, their charge is the some percent of the overdue debt, but in some cases, you will find them offering their services on "No-Win-No-Fee" basis. Experts say that before hiring an agency for debt recovery, the costs associated with using a debt collection agency need to be considered.

The Legal Action

The last option for the lender in terms of debt collection is taking the help from the law and this includes ending a letter of demand via the court. The problem with this strategy is that it could be very lengthy, time-taking, complex and confusing. The debt recovery NSW agency chosen by you can initiate the process on your behalf and also, keep you informed about what action is best taken to recover your debt.

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