Comparing healthcare systems between third world countries and the rest of the world

Posted by Richard Lawrence
Jun 21, 2021
This may be one of the hot topics during this covid19 pandemic now in the days when I have been through many articles, blogs and videos, the robust healthcare system has excellent clinical staff sharing their experiences to deal with the patient. This catastrophe situation occurs for the first time in their lives to deal with many patients at one time, and in other third world countries we can choose some of them from huge numbers, like Pakistan, India, Afghanistan etc., where the healthcare systems are very limited compared to the population of the nation, there are Always thriving hospitals cannot accommodate everyone in the daily routine.

The United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Germany, Italy and China have robust health systems that have been shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic. They usually deal with limited patients, 90% of whom are patients with insurance coverage and the rest are government responsibilities, which they treat accordingly, they do not have to face financial problems, because they have strong support from the government to support them.

Compared with them, we have many problems to meet their needs, first of all, third world countries are already far from developed and rich countries, they have social, economic, legal and systemic problems, they cannot provide ΒΌ coverage to their citizens with good care, but they have well-trained staff, they are They deal with thousands of patients in their daily routine. In my experience, I faced daily gunshots during city crises in Karachi, gang wars, kidnapping wars and blind bullets claiming many lives, I was working in a private hospital where they only came for patients.

For high quality care according to JCIA protocols. Visiting government hospitals during my training was also part of our study, as I saw thousands of people, most of whom could not afford shoes and slippers, were barefoot, following a long line, the injured only opening new wounds and trauma other than being treated as a patient in the clinic and having to wait in line compare.

It's not about our country that never provides a basic health system to its citizens, it could be because we have 40% of the population illiterate or a healthy system. Our nurses and doctors are well trained as they deal with a large number of patients on a daily basis which sharpens their skills.

Also, the university hospital in which I received my training acknowledges my clinical experience during the city crises, the assassination of the former Pakistani prime minister, Mohtamah Nasr Bhutto, and other crises. I am delighted to have had the opportunity to perform CPR codes with fellow emergency department physicians as a patient-return nurse.
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