Combat hair loss with the hair transplant in Italy

Posted by Smith John
Sep 10, 2018

Noticing several hair strands entangled in the hairbrush every time you style or comb them or finding them in the shower drain may leave you with many questions in mind like is it normal to shed hairs, what are the factors that can cause hair fall, remedies for hair fall and many more. At the same time, you may fear of going smoothed head. But, hair fall is not always a worrisome situation as it is absolutely normal to shed around fifty to hundred strands each day. However, losing hairs more than this can be an indication of a severe issue related to your hair health.

At present, hair loss has become one of the common problem witnessed by numerous men and women around the globe. As per the survey's in the past, it is concluded that the men in Italy are the most handsome, but many of them are bald too. The hair loss can deeply affect your social and professional well-being as it can bring down the confidence in you. At the same time, you may want to know the best way to deal with the issue of hair loss.

In this article, we introduce you to the most popular hair transplant treatments in Italy. But before we step ahead to discuss the hair restoration treatments available in the country, let's familiarize ourselves with some of the potential causes of hair loss in the country.

What can cause hair loss?

It is astonishing to know that there are over hundred causes of hair loss. Some of the prominent causes of hair loss include-

Physical or emotional stress-

Stress deeply affects the physical and mental well-being of a person. Undergoing a change in job, divorce or a break-up as well as total body stressors like a trauma or a car accident can be one of the reasons behind hair fall.

It is interesting to note that the physical and emotional stressors can make hair to enter the catagen or resting phase and subsequently the telogen, also known as the falling out phase. If the stress is prolonged, the hair fall may be seen after six months of the major stress.


Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases in the life of a woman, but your hair can go through a series of transformation during and post-pregnancy. During this phase, the hormones are playful and a woman experiences an increase in the hormones that provide a rich environment for a growing fetus While in some cases, the same hormones often keep hair actively growing longer than normal with many women noticing a thicker and more luxurious head of hair during pregnancy. Once they give birth to a child, the hormones come to the normal levels, which in turn results in shedding of hairs post-pregnancy.

Heredity and genetics-

We all know that genetics plays a crucial role in the development and growth of our body. On the other hand, if your maternal or paternal forefathers have a history of losing hairs or going bald, you are more susceptible to experience hair loss.


You may notice your skin to age at around 30, it is the same time when your hairs begin to start aging. Clinical trials reveal that your hairs start thinning at around the age of 30 years and the hair fall precedes as a person ages.

Surgical treatments for combating hair loss-

At present, the two most widely accepted techniques for performing hair transplant in Italy are- Follicular Unit Transplant(FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction(FUE).

Follicular Unit Transplant(FUT)- FUT or Follicular Unit Transplant is a technique of hair restoration in which a long and thin strip of tissue containing hair grafts is removed from the safe donor area. The follicles are then removed from the strip and transplanted into the recipient area via stereo-microscopic dissection.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): It is a very intricate and precise procedure in which the hair follicles are extracted one-by-one from the safe donor zone with the help of an electronic punch with a diameter of 0.7mm. Thereafter, the hair follicles are prepared for implantation and are transplanted into the recipient zone.

Cost of hair transplant in Italy-

The cost of hair transplant in Italy may vary for each individual depending on the grade of baldness and the severity of the condition. Another factor that plays a crucial role in defining the cost of a hair restoration surgery is the number of grafts required to promote a maximum coverage to the bald area of the scalp. Generally, the cost is calculated on the basis of per graft. The actual cost of the treatment can be estimated by a hair transplant surgeon only after performing a clinical examination of the scalp to evaluate the number of grafts to be transplanted.

Cost of hair transplant in Italy Vs. the cost of hair transplant in India-

The cost of hair transplant in Italy is higher than the cost of hair transplant in India. Many reputed hair transplant clinics in India offer the best hair restoration surgery at an affordable price.

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