Chest Pain In Babies – What You Should Know

Posted by Tom Curan
Feb 8, 2019

There are some questions that you should ask yourself when your child is having chest pain. You must not delay and take him to the nearest paediatric cardiologist as soon as possible.

Being a parent you should always be careful about the health of your baby; no matter how nominal it seems. Though we often think that chest pain is a matter of adult health issues, it can happen to babies as well. If your baby comes to you and complains about having chest pain then you must listen to him carefully, ask him some questions and consult your paediatrician to have the solution as soon as possible.

The chest pain may stay for less than 15-20 seconds at a time. Your child may complain about this pain for 2 to 4 times a week. Sometimes, children can feel this pain while doing some physical activities and sometimes not. It is quite natural to be worried about such complaints but to find out a speedy recovery of that issue, you must keep yourself stress-free and think rationally.

There are a few questions that you must ask yourself and your family members before you take your child to the doctor for the treatment of his chest pain.

Does My Child Has Any Critical Health Issues

In most of the cases, costochondritis is the reason for the chest pain in babies and children. Does your child have this disease? In this issue, the child may feel an inflammation between the joint bones of the chest and the ribs. This can happen due to some viral sicknesses or frequent coughing. So, if your child is going through any of such health conditions then he may complain about having chest pain as well.

Was He Recently Injured

Has your child got injured recently? Did he have an injury on chest recently? Can it be the cause of his sudden chest pain? If so then you must talk to the doctor right now and check the impact of that injury? Sometimes, chest injuries can cause real danger for your baby’s health if it is not recognized and treated fast.

Does He Stressed

It may seem absurd to see a 5 or 7-year-old child in stress, but the loss of a loved one or some social trauma may cause stress in those little minds too. There are lots of parents in Lafayette La come with their children to have Hypertension treatment. In some cases, the school pressure can cause such stress too. As a parent, you must find out the cause of the stress in your child’s life and help him to get rid of it as soon as possible.

When Does He Feel The Pain

When your child is having the pain? Is it bothering him when he is active or sitting quietly or in his sleep? Chest pain which is happening due to non-cardiac reasons can appear even when the child is not active and sitting ideally. On the other hand, in most of the cases, a child can feel the chest pain which is the symptoms of a heart issue when he is in action; such as, playing, running, jumping or walking.

In general, it is not possible for a child to bear the heart-related chest pain for very long. The symptoms will be more prominent and the pain will be more severe. Thus, you need to be careful about the pattern, tenure and degree of the pain when your child shares his problem with you and consult the doctor as per the demand of the situation. However, delay in this condition is not advisable at any cost.

Children's Heart Clinic Of Louisiana can offer you Hypertension treatment as well as the treatment for chest pain and other heart diseases of children. 

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