Celebrate your Love Life as a Couple this Christmas as Foodies

Posted by Ekta M.
Dec 22, 2017

Christmas week has begun for 2017! Everyone has special plans that are spread along the dimensions of fooding and hangouts and parties and party favours that continue till the New Year is reached. Plan this year’s festivities of Christmas as a couple and re-live the best memories and love genres of your life! None other occasion could be better than Christmas to find the joy of couple! Here are the best of Christmas celebration food ideas for the couple that seeks to live an immersive time at the year end. Have a look on these weddingdoersideas that are counted as the favorite Indian Christmas celebrations concepts!


Pool your creativity to make a Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree is the icon of celebrations and without it there is no joy and fervor. Sitting in the central place of house, it spreads its unique charm and the entire atmosphere is filled with a splendid fervor. However these days, we find more people looking for the readymade ones; and lack of time is the prime reason they cite! Invoke your creativities as a couple to make a beautiful and special Christmas tree at your home rather than buying it. It will really make your occasion special and something to cherish as the best couple times of life.


Get into the boots of pastry chefs to make exotic cakes!

Christmas cakes are the real delights to savor for days. Although the open market cake sales have swelled up significantly, we all wait for this yummy cake time throughout the year. The reason for this is the celebration value attached with baking the Christmas cake which is also among the leading Christmas food ideas. This time, put on the boots of pastry chefs and get going enthusiastically. Help each other with the good counsels to find the love bonding re-ignited, as the cakes get golden crisp!

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