CBD Oil For Shingles: Is it Effective at Relieving Shingles Nerve Pain?

Posted by Ana G.
Nov 28, 2021

People who get the varicella-zoster virus and develop chickenpox have a period of acute itching that can be extremely uncomfortable. Eventually, the infection will resolve on its own accord.

However, did you know that the virus can remain in your body for years after it has been eliminated?

Some people have a reactivation of the virus years later, resulting in a viral infection known as shingles, which many people describe as more painful than chickenpox in terms of discomfort. In most cases, blisters on one side of the body and a painful, burning rash are the result of shingles.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is used to treat a variety of conditions, including pain and inflammation. As a result, some individuals feel it can be beneficial for those suffering from shingles. Is this, however, truly the case? We'll take a look at the study on using CBD oil for shingles, as well as some CBD product recommendations, in the section below.

glossary of terms related to CBD

A variety of CBD products are available, each with a distinct flavor.

Full-spectrum. This indicates that the product contains all of the numerous cannabinoids and terpenes found in the cannabis plant, as well as trace levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active element responsible for the "high" that marijuana users experience. According to research on the entourage effect, CBD is more effective when combined with THC.

Isolate. A pure form of CBD that has been thoroughly processed and contains solely CBD is available.

Broad-spectrum. This indicates that the product includes some cannabinoids and terpenes, but none of the psychoactive compound THC.

Can CBD be used to treat shingles?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that CBD can be beneficial in the treatment of shingles. There are anecdotal reports of persons who have used CBD to cure shingles, but there is no evidence to support these claims in the current literature.

According to an article published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid ResearchTrusted Source, cannabidiol (CBD) may have the ability to heal viral diseases such as hepatitis C. However, there isn't enough clinical evidence to support this idea at this point in time."

Having said that, there is evidence to suggest that CBD may be beneficial in the reduction of pain and inflammation.

shingles are characterized by two key symptoms, according to a reputable source.

If you have shingles, we recommend that you adhere to the treatment plan provided by your doctor on a consistent basis.

Although there is presently no hepatitis C vaccination available, there are treatment alternatives that can help avoid future issues. They can also assist in reducing the viral load to the point where the infection is no longer detectable by laboratory tests. This is referred described as remission or being cured by healthcare professionals.

Treatments for shingles that are common

It is possible to minimize the severity of the symptoms of shingles by using the following medications:

  • antivirals
  • anti-inflammatories
  • analgesics and analgesics
  • anticonvulsants
  • antidepressants
  • antihistamines
  • topically applied analgesics for pain
  • capsaicin

Delaying or postponing treatment for shingles might result in shingles complications such as nerve injury, which can cause long-term discomfort in the nerves.

A review of research published in 2018

According to a reputable source, cannabis-based treatments may be beneficial for patients who suffer from persistent nerve pain. To further understand the relationship between chronic nerve pain reduction and cannabis-based drugs, more research is required in the long run.

Aspects of safety and side effects

Despite the fact that CBD is not a substitute for traditional treatment alternatives, it is probably safe to use CBD for shingles, despite the lack of scientific evidence to support this claim. Remember to consult with your physician first, especially if you are using any drugs or nutritional supplements. Some drugs may have an interaction with CBD.

However, even though topicals are less likely than ingested products to make their way into your bloodstream, it is advisable to be cautious and follow your doctor's instructions.

Additionally, make certain that you are aware of any potential negative effects of the medication.

In spite of the fact that studies have shown that CBD is typically safe when applied topically or consumed orally, some persons may experience modest adverse effects such as:

  • diarrhea
  • fatigue
  • Changes in body weight or appetite

Taken in conjunction with CBD products, particularly full-spectrum CBD products, it is possible to acquire a positive THC test result.

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