Carpet Cleaning Hacks Often Used By Professional Cleaners

Posted by Abhinav G.
Oct 29, 2021

The carpet cleaning task is difficult. If proper care is not observed, then you can damage the texture of the carpet. Rugs and carpets are always important to home improvement accessories. You need to take proper care. It is best to hire professional carpet cleaning services.

Expert carpet cleaning in Auckland services follows methods and techniques that are safe. Professional carpet cleaning services always ensure that the cleaning task is only done in the dry and summer season. This is important so the rugs and carpets will dry out naturally. 

Some useful carpet cleaning hacks used by expert cleaners are shared here below in the article. You should continue reading further for the best tips.

1. Use a quality lint roller

A lint roller will easily remove the dust particles from the carpet. A lint roller can easily be used on the carpet where you cannot use a vacuum cleaner device. The best advantage of lint roller is that it will remove the dust particles where vacuum cleaning devices proves ineffective 

But before you make the choice, always ensure that you have checked the brush quality of the roller. Do not select an extra-soft or very hard roller brush.

2. Make use of a quality squeegee

If you have a pet dog then pet hair is common in carpet fibres. In most cases, pet hair is never easy to remove. Even if you are using a strong vacuum cleaner device, it is still not possible to remove the hair.

This is where the squeegee will prove more effective. It will easily extract the pet hair from the rug and carpet. You just need to select a squeegee that will withstand the right level of pressure. 

3. Use a hot iron

Not many people are aware of the benefits of using hot iron on carpets. But this is a tested technique that hot iron will help in removing stains and marks. You can use the mixture of water and vinegar in the right proportion. 

A blotting paper can be placed on top of the stained portion. Now you can use the hot iron. The iron will heat and loosen the stain. The blotting paper will soak up the stain.

4. Use rubbing action

If there are wine marks on the carpet then you will have to rub the affected area. You can also make use of baking soda solution. The solution can be sprinkled on top of the affected area. When performing this action always ensure that you only use a quality brush to rub.

Avoid using a brush that has very hard bristles. This can damage the carpet texture and can also result in discoloration in the form of a patch.

No matter what, always try to use homemade cleaning recipes. Avoid using anything that is not meant for use on the carpet. You can also make use of shampoo to maintain the soft texture of the carpet 


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