Can I Have Two Personal Trainers? One At Home & One At Work?

Posted by Neighborhood Trainers
Apr 12, 2019

When it comes to getting the most out of your workout routine, there is nothing better than a personal trainer to help you reach your goals and climb to new heights of fitness. However, the workout doesn’t have to end when the timer goes off – you can continue your workout at work by changing a few things you do around the office.

New York City personal trainers are renowned for their expertise and their ability to cause body transformations that will make your head spin. If you find that you love your home workout trainer so much that you would like one at work, you may find it great to know you can do both! Westchester personal trainers are available at any time of the day, so you can press pause and get in gear whenever you want. However, you can get a great workout while on the job by adjusting a few of your behaviors.

Take the Stairs

Taking the stairs is an excellent way to work in exercise whenever you are on the job. You can burn fat and calories by simply doing what you do every day – except use the stairs instead of the elevator. You’ll be surprised at the weight lost by this simple change and how much more energy you will have. Climbing the stairs will help you build endurance, stamina, and strength in your legs. The more often you do this, the better results you will see, and a healthy habit will be made.

Bike to Work

Instead of riding in your car or taking a ride service, you can use an age-old mode of transportation instead – the bicycle. Riding a bicycle is a great endurance workout that can allow you to get fresh air and sun while you head off to start your work day. The vitamin D boosts endorphins and can be a mood improver, giving you an extra burst of energy and positivity to use throughout the day.

Avoid the Vending Machine

You may want to snack throughout the day, but one thing that should be avoided is the vending machine. Vending machines often hide healthy-looking snacks in them that are packed with calories and sugar. Pack a healthy snack instead of going to the machine for your in-between meal snacks.

You can have two personal trainers, sure – one at home and one at work. The one at home is a professional at pushing you to the limit while the one at work helps you build healthier habits.

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