Building A Successful Campaign With A Digital Marketing Firm

Posted by Jeremy Banks
Sep 18, 2017
It’s been suggested time and again that the best way to launch and manage a digital ad campaign is to get a digital marketing firm to do it. It’s important to note, however, that you don’t just give the project to them and leave. Working together closely is a must.

A good working relationship between the client and the firm means a great deal. An article by Mercer Island Group states that a strained relationship between client and agency is one of the typical causes of clients changing agencies. A lot of times it’s just one side that’s holding all the power when both client and firm should be working side by side.

That said, there are specific ways in which a client can manage a harmonious relationship with their firm and work their way to a successful digital ad campaign.

Digital Marketing Firm

Clear Vision

It’s important that clear expectations are set on the client’s part. From the first meeting, to the building of the campaign, to its actual operation, the client should be up to date on what’s going on. They have to make sure that what’s happening is still in alignment to the company’s vision.

A lot of times, companies leave everything to the marketing firm. In many instances, the results end up dissatisfactory because the campaign no longer stays true to the company’s brand. The client may blame the firm for a failed campaign. This is in spite of the fact that firm may have only been doing what they were told to or “allowed” to by the client.

With this, it’s also important for the client to remember to keep things realistic and to stay open-minded. A client cannot blame the company if a wish of theirs is too idealistic to achieve within the given time or budget. Similarly, a client should always remember to keep an open mind and give consideration to what the firm suggests is best for them. After all, professional marketers do know what they’re talking about.


Speaking of keeping an open mind, it’s important that clients also consult the corresponding experts on more technical areas, like with web development and search engine optimization. Consultation in the sense that with each step in the process, the client knows what’s going on, and the client in turn gives the web developer or the SEO expert their thoughts on it.

This not only ensures that the end product is tailor-fitted to the company, but it will also help avoid miscommunication. 



The one thing as important as the creation of a campaign is how it is run. It is vital to the operation that regular meetings are held to make sure that everyone and everything are on track. 

The firm can update the client if there are new technological or marketing developments that the campaign can use. Updates on matters like traffic gains, conversion rates, what sold and what didn’t, etc. are to be discussed regularly so that required measures can be made. 

Just like with all relationships, communication is key. This is not only to avoid any mishaps and friction. This is also to avoid compromising the campaign, which is bad for both the company and the firm’s image. A firm that won’t allow for such communication may not be a good idea in the first place. Consequently, a client must not expect a firm to follow every whim. It is a give and take deal that, when successfully maneuvered through, can produce a dream campaign. 

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